Chapter 1. Better Than You

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Cardan Greenbriar.

Mention him and my day is ruined. I can not begin to express how much I hate him. He thinks he is better than everyone, but he's not. He's just a rich kid who thinks he has it all cause his dad is super famous.

So imagine my chemistry teacher pairing us together as table mates and then saying that I will need to help him catch up. Every single day will be terrible,  a living hell.

Monday through Fridays at 9:00 to 10:15 I will have to see and talk with Cardan. The only reason why he needs my help is cause instead of being a responsible student on vacation and doing his homework, he decided not to. That Italy was better enjoyed without school.

It wasn't just for a couple days either. It was a month! A month of missed school and the only reason why he is allowed back is cause of money and power.

If he actually had to work hard every single day, he wouldn't need my help. To be honest, I think I'll just let him fail.

I'd delight in seeing him graduate knowing that he does not deserve his diploma and it was bought by his daddy's money.

I walk into chemistry feeling bleh. This class is hard and it's being made harder now that I have to help Cardan.

Today is his first day back from Italy. He's already sitting at my table. Sorry, our table. He looks bored wearing designer brand clothes head to toe and with all the girls swarming him. It's sad really. He'll never love them, if anything they'll just be his play toy that he calls late night when he's more than bored.

As I walk to the table, I examine him. It can't hurt to examine Cardan Greenbriar. I need to know who I'm working with. His curls are messy from the girls playing with his hair. His nails are painted black and his fingers are adorned with silver rings. He wears black trousers and a dark grey button down that's got three buttons at the top undone.

He looks... hot?

I reach the table and I notice that there is a girl in my seat. Nicole Swana. Cardan's on and off girlfriend that occasionally hooks up with one of his close friends, Luke.

I hate Cardan, I mean like really hate him. Nicole though, she's a close second. Gosh, she pisses me off. I'm not usually rude but to her and him, I will always be.

"Move." I say angrily. The attention shifts to me, I've interrupted their conversation. Which really is just them praising Cardan for breathing and doing the basics of life.

Nicole looks me up and down, "Who the hell do you think you are?"

"Someone who is and will always be on a higher level than you. Now move before I move you."

She scoffs and tries to look unbothered but I see the way her cheeks blush from embarrassment. The way she looks at Cardan and her "friends" for backup.

"It's just a damn chair. I could have any in this room sweetheart. But since I'm feeling nice today, I'll give you yours back."

Nicole gets out of my chair and goes to stand on Cardan's side of the table.

"If you could have any chair in this room, why don't you have the one you want? Also, I didn't know it was possible for you to feel "nice" since you're always a bitch." Okay, I've given my two cents. As much as I am annoyed with Nicole, I find it extremely amusing to bicker with her. I know what I say to her is stupid and lame but I can't help it. It's all the stuff I've wanted to throw at my siblings during petty arguments.

"You little- " Nicole is interrupted by Cardan the god.

"Jude, Nicole, no more fighting. Plus, I have more to tell you about my trip!" Cardan is trying to play mediator and be this calm peaceful guy. It's not working though cause Nicole and I are looking at each other with daggers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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