im not a vampire!!

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(first part!! first part!! i do hope its enjoyable :3)

3rd person pov~

on this particular day in the mystery shack it was quiet and almost dead, the only two employees left were wendy and y/n. the pine twins and soos found something better to do and stan isnt in office today.

the silence so thick you could cut it with a butter knife, only the quiet hum of the ac unit.

finally after what felt like forever, Wendy spoke up "hey y/n? what do you say about spending time with me and my friends after work?" she asks with a soft hum, looking up from her phone.
"sure! i didnt have any plans" y/n spoke up, currently dusting off one of stans 'mysterious oddities' in all reality it was just a taxidermy deer with swan wings. "awesome, they'll be here to pick us up after our shifts!" Wendy smiles slightly, y/n only nods in response.

!small time skip!

y/ns pov:

I'm quite nervous of meeting Wendys friends, I mean shes really cool so I hope her friends are nice.. ive already texted my mom telling her I was gonna be home late so she wouldn't worry.
"so...what are your friends like?" I ask, glancing over at Wendy who was currently texting someone "oh they're pretty chill of course but they're kinda intense, I think they'll like you!" she states,looking up from her phone at me. before I could even reply a beat up blue van pulls up and its not even fully in park when 4 people step out, the driver making the 5th.
"wendy!! wendy! wendy!" they shout excitedly,
"y/n this is the crew" Wendy goes on to give me a brief rundown of everyone. I feel a pair of eyes staring daggers into me and I immediately turned my attention to whoever it was, the dark haired boy who seemed to pissed off seemed to scowl even harder as he looked away. whats his issue?
my attention is immediately drawn back to wendy as she introduces me to the group, getting subtle nods of greetings and 'yooo' out of two of them. theres Nate,Lee,Tambry,Thompson, and the dark haired boys name is Robbie... you'll memorize these eventually y/n.

we pile into the van, I take the very back as I was the last one in. the ride wasnt too bad, only getting a couple questions from wendy but the entire time I swear robbie was staring at me through the rear view mirror...maybe Im just being paranoid? I hate to say it but hes kinda a charming vampiric way I suppose? After a while I kinda zone out, pulling my knees up to my chest and getting comfortable, glad I have the seat to myself.

short pov from Robbie :3 :
'why am i staring at her?? I haven't even talked to her..what if she thinks im weird?' I think as a glace back at her through the rear view mirror, slouching back into my seat with a sigh. picking at my fingers as we reach our destination.

(ohhhhh yeah its currently vv late and im so exhausted, i hope its up to standard and ill try to update tomorrow!! <3)

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