enjoy the silence.

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(small note, i picture y/n to have that early 2000s goth style but your free to imagine them in whatever way you like :D)


robbies pov continued:

we had all decided to go to the small record shop once wendy and her friend got off work, I honestly thought she was going to bring along the pine twins again and not someone as interesting as y/n. maybe the record shop will be a chance to get to know her? c'mon Robbie! talk to her!!

!timeskip to record store, robbie pov still <3!

while Thompson found a parking spot crew had gotten into a discussion on where to go after this,places like graveyards and abandoned convenience stores were suggested. lee and nate peered over their seat asking y/n if she had any suggestions, I actually started listening hoping she had a better suggestion. "i dont really get out much..plus this is my second year living here.." Y/n shrugs not looking up from her feet but nobody could get another word in since we parked. everyone piled out including me and walked into the store, the curly haired brunette working the cash register greet all of us she knew me since i came here regularly although i never bothered remembering her name.

everyone went their separate ways around the store, y/n went straight to the small cd section they have and I decided to follow in an attempt to find out what music shes into. after pretending to look at the cds myself I noticed that y/n picked up a couple cds things like Nine inch nails and Depeche mode,after a few moments I finally spoke up "hey..sorry about earlier" I mutter as I scratch the back of my neck, looking up at her briefly.
"no harm done, your robbie right?" she asks, turning her attention away from me for a moment to check the prices on her cds. something about the way she said my name felt right and I could feel my face heat up a little "yeah, im robbie...you've probably heard wendy talk about me" I state as I watch y/n pull out her wallet, it was black with pink stars and had a chain that connected it to her belt loops.

as she opened it I saw a photo of her and 2 others, a taller boy with long brown hair and very pale skin and a shorter girl with choppy maroon hair and y/n! all of them wearing a similar black uniform with a sparkly gold sash. without thinking I ask "who are they?" pointing to the photo.
"that would be my old drum major sal and his girlfriend jessie and me after our last marching band competition" I could see a excited glint in her eyes as she explained this to me, I couldnt help but smile a little. "do you play any instruments then?" I pry a little.
"actually i was part of the colorgaurd...but! i play bass guitar" she smiles, looking away from me as she counts what money she had in her wallet. I think im in love "you play bass?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement as she nods "i only picked it up recently and im still not perfect but im getting there" I nod as I listen to her speak, her voice is so soft and kind...
"y'know i play guitar and i have my own band" I say in a 'matter of fact tone' in which she shakes her head softly.

y/ns pov:

Robbie isnt as bad as I thought he would be, hes definitely alot nicer than I expected him to be.
I had picked out a few cds, excited to find ones I didnt own but...stan definitely 'forgot' like half of my paycheck so im gonna have to put a few back. I start to do so when robbie suddenly speaks up "if you don't have enough cash...ill pay for the cds" he mumbles with a small grin.
"y-you dont have to do that robbie- ill just come back to buy them later.." I say, I would feel so horrible if he payed for my stuff..
"nono i insist, its the least i can do.. i still feel like an asshole for staring earlier" he assured me as he picked up the cds I put back and soon enough were making our way over to the register.
the brunette cashier from earlier smiles at robbie and me as I place my cds that im paying for on the counter "did you find everything okay?" she asks quietly and I nod "okay your total is $24.69" I hand her 25$ and she gives me my change, I smile at her as I step out of the way so robbie can pay. as he was paying I noticed the cashier was flirting with him and I feel..jealous? no it cant be that...can it? nono you just met him! this shouldnt bother you.
after he pays he hands you your cds with a small smile "thank you robbie..you really didnt have to do that" you mutter as the both of you walk over to some of the others still browsing. "but i wanted too" Robbie shrugs.

after everyone is finished looking around and paying we head back to the van, I take my spot in the back when someone sits beside me. its robbie!
"woah robbie your giving up shotgun to sit in the back??" wendy jokes with him, I can see his face get red "s-so? maybe i like it back here!" he spits out defensively, scowling as he slumps back into the seat.
"hey now no need to get all defensive man!" Wendy chuckles as she takes robbies orignal seat up front.

I take a moment to glance at robbie whos pulled his hood on and the drawstrings tight so all you can see is his hair poking out, I thought about asking if hes okay but decided against it to avoid getting snapped at.
now I wait until the group figures out where they're gonna go from here...

(slightly longer chapter!! its probably all jumbled and all come and revise it later but i did say id try to put out another chapter and im already working on the next one <3)
(ive named the last few chapters after song titles, whos gonna stop me? ANYWAYS i hope you all enjoy!!)

&quot;how odd..&quot; |Robbie Valentino x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now