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(no note at the top, catch it next chapter!)


y/ns pov:

After some time we all decided to just to the local cemetery and just chill for a bit before getting dropped off, tambry had referred to it as 'cool'...I think that was the first time shes spoken.
I looked over a Robbie who still had the same scowl on his face, I reach over and nudge his shoulder softly, gaining an irritated look from him "what?" he practically hissed out.
"geez sorry nevermind" I mutter in defeat as I turn away, looking over the cds i just bought since ive got nothing better to do while we wait to arrive.

Robbies pov:

Why did I react like that?? I instantly regretted snapping at her like that..which I wouldn't normally feel bad about but its her, I look over to apologize but I stop myself, watching her examining the cd cases front to back then back to the front. I sigh as I bury my head into my palms, I just want this day to be over already.

!timeskip! (this chapter is KILLING me)

Robbies pov still!:

after what felt like an eternity of tension and whatever music thompson put on, we finally arrived.

I come to the cemetery to cry not to hang out! ugh whatever I just want to go home and think about today...I get out the van when everyone else is out, taking a look around and spotting y/n walking down the path already, watching them take every cautious step along the path. I decide to catch up to her and try to apologize for earlier
"y/n! hey!" i grasp her shoulder gently and she turns her head to face me "What do you want vampire?" she questions, I cringe a little at the remark. "im not a vampire! they burn in the sun and obviously im not on fire" I state in a matter-of-fact tone, rolling my eyes. this just makes her laugh and oh my her laugh just makes my cold heart melt.. Jesus robbie you've only known her for a few hours and your already crushing hard.
Before I get another word in the others catch up, wendy and Thompson ask y/n a few questions about her life before moving to gravity falls which she happily answers, taking out her wallet to show off the polaroid photos of her old friends...then lee and nate joined in the conversation, I feel a little annoyed that they took her attention away from me.. this was supposed to be our moment! I huff angrily and shove my hands into my pockets.
Im pulled back into reality by lee holding one of the Polaroids close to me, it was that sal guy y/n told me about. "woah he kinda looks like robbie!" he laughs out, "yeah if his hair was longer  and if he wore glasses!" wendy adds in causing all the group to laugh. "haha yeah very funny guys" I mutter, after sometime the joking had died down and we started back for the van.
I choose to sit in the back again, trying to figure out what to do. some time later  I feel someone poke my arm, I look over at y/n who was offering me her phone. "what?" I tilt my head a little. "can i get your number? if you want to give it to me that is.."she mumbles, only loud enough for me to hear.
'ohhh way to understand social queues robbie...' I think to myself as I take her phone and put my number in, giving it back to her with a small smile, when she returned the smile I could've died right there honestly..

!timeskip prt 2 brought to you by uninspired bee!

I was one of the last dropped off, walking into my house trying to get to my room before my parents overwhelm me with questions, it worked for the most part. moms knocking at the door asking about dinner "Go away!" I shout not bothering to open the door, listening to her mutter something as she walks back downstairs. Walking over to my 'shrine' dedicated to wendy and ripping it all down... I think im finally over wendy..now that ive met her.

(im gonna be completely serious i forgot i existed for a few days so this was postponed so long sorry LMAOOO)
(i got so sunburnt recently, its my fault cause im too lazy to find a brand of sunblock im not allergic too ;-;)

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