If rain is what you want.

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(dude i got black hair dye everywhere;-; like its not even funny )
(i took, a vacation sorta? in all reality i worked all week)


y/ns pov:

Its been a few days since I met wendys friend group and got that temperamental vampires number, I havent texted him though.
I cant worry about that right now at least, stan is hosting a party tonight to hopefully make some more money. maybe this will give me a chance to stop being such a recluse, Ive been here for almost 3 years and yet the only people I talk to are my coworkers and family!
shaking my head softly as I hang up party streamers, all of the supplies are from old birthday parties and celebrations as stan doesnt see a point in buying new supplies, as soon as I get done hanging them I wander around seeing if anyone needs any help... after a quick survey I come to the conclusion nobody needs help so I take a seat and pull out my phone 'okay y/n you can do this, just ask him if he'll be at the shack tonight' I sigh softly, typing out the message...annndd send! noww we find something to do while I wait for a response.

(conveniently placed)robbie pov:

I sit in the darkness of my room, I taped that receipt from the record store on the wall where wendys photos used to be...hopefully ill get some photos of me and y/n to put up there!..not creepy at alll robbie... anyways, my phone buzzes, I spend a good few minutes looking for it in the dark and eventually find it..

'heyy Robbie its y/n!! i just wanted to ask if you're planning on showing up to the mystery shack tonight?'
I read over the text a few times, she texted me?? wendy and a few others from the group asked if I was going earlier and i didnt really have an answer but if y/n will be there of course im going.
'of course ill be there XD why wouldn't i??' I send the message and then quickly get up to get ready. (robbie would totally used 'XD' and 'X3' dont say he wouldn't)

!timeskip like every other chapter!

3rd person pov:

The party has just begun, Soos was the Dj, Dipper and Wendy were selling tickets. Y/n and Mabel didnt have a assigned job, mainly because Mabel wouldn't let stan give her anything to do and Stan...took pity on Y/n. with her not having many friends and all, in his mind hes doing her a favor!

Y/n had put on something nice before she returned to the shack, a nice dress perhaps? whatever the reader likes perhaps? either way, she looks pretty!! (so do you of course! X3)
she spent most of her time sitting on the couch, waiting for a sign of robbie being there, nothing. At this point she was starting to lose hope of seeing him tonight.
but thenn someone sat down next to her!!

lol cliffhanger!
the other chapter will be out in the next few hours dw dw

(this chapter is probably the worst yet but thats okay, anyway this shitty book is #1 with the robbie tag??! im kissing all of you on the forehead rn)

(i hope its been enjoyable so far!!)
(one my headcanons is robbie is the obsessive type, its my favorite trope to write honestly :3)

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