Chapter 1

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Before i start,I must tell you that,in story Whole lucifuge clan is not dead,Grafiya's parents are still alive here.

The hospital

The wife of current king of hell,Grafiya lucifuge was screaming from top of her lungs while giving birth of their first child.

The lucifer,Sirjechs lucifer formerly gremory was standing right besides his wife while she was holding his hand and he wore a Shirt saying"BEST FATHER IN THE WORLD"

And in the same room,The head of gremory household and lady of gremory,Zeoticus and venelana gremory were waiting for their first grandchild.

With a last scream grafiya finally delivered the kid,And ended up breaking her husbands hand.

Doctors quickly took the child for cleaning and came back afterwards.

Gremory family looked at doctor said"Congratulations Lord lucifer,Its a healthy baby boy"and handed the baby to his father.

Sirjechs looked at him and smiled widely and walked towards his wife and said"Look grafiya,He has both of our hairs"he said pointed to boy's red and silver mix hairs.

"Give me my baby boy"Grafiya said and took her son from her husband and he pouted and said"I want to hold him for longer"

"Later"Grafiya stated and looked at her son as tear left her eyes and she said"I am so happy today,I am a mother now"

"I too,Now i am going to make serafall jealous,Now i am a father and soon going to be a elder brother"Sirjechs said reffering to his pregnent mother

"What should we name him"Venelana walked up to her grandson and held him and she commented"He is going to be lady killer for sure"

"Obviously he is my grandson,What do yoi expect"Zeoticus added and venelana laughed at him and Sirjechs said"What should we name him"

"Virgil"Venelana suggested

"How about corvious"Zeoticus suggested

"What do you say grafiya"Sirjechs asked

"Rudeus gremory"Grafiya said happily

"I like it,Rudeus gremory the son of sirjechs lucifer"Sirjechs proudly declared and Zeoticus said"Rudeus..huh,Then so be it,He shall be Rudeus gremory then"

Later they all returned to gremory estate,Where lucifuge family was waiting for their return.

As they all reached lady lucifuge ran towards her daughter saying"Oh my lovely grandson"

"How do you know we had a son,Mother"Grafiya asked and she replied"Call it a mother instinct"

"Now hand my grandson to me"She ordered to took Rudeus from grafiya and she looked at him and commented"He is cute"and lord lucifuge also walked up to them and looked at his grandson and said"He inherited both of his parents powers"

"Yeah he did,Thats makes him perfect our heir"Zeoticus said and Lord lucifuge said"No,he is our heir not yours"

"He is my grandson,So he is heir of gremory family"Zeoticus argued

"No he will be lucifuge's heir"Lord lucifuge said back





"Keep quiet both of you"Venelana and lady lucifuge shouted and zeoticus said"Tell him that he will be gremory heir"

"No way,We also need a heir and Grafiya is former heiress so thats makes rudeis new heir"Lord lucifuge explained

"I can say the same,Sirjechs was former heir so thats makes rudeus new heir"Zeoticus said back

"Can't we decided it without arguement"Venelana asked and both clan head shook their heads.

"I can't understand why you are fighting"Sirjechs said and zeoticus said"We want rudeus to be our heir"

"I have a solution for that"Sirjechs said and both heads asked"What is it"

"Simple,Rudeus will be lucifuge heir and Father did you forgot,You are going to father again,you can make my younger sibling gremory heir"Sirjechs explained

Zeoticus eyes widened as he said"Yeah i totally forgot that i will be father again,Thanks for reminding me,Jechs"

"Its ok"Sirjechs replied and lord lucifuge said"Thanks lord lucifer,you solved our heir problem,So Rudeus shall be lucifuge heir than"

After few months,Lord and Lady lucifuge tool rudeus with them to lucifuge territory.

And Meanwhile Venelana gave birth to a girl named Rias gremory and she was named to be gremory heiress.

While Rudeus was named to be Lucifuge heir and lived with his grandparents while gremory family used to visit him regularly but he never met rias or knew he had a aunt.

He stayed at lucifuge castle for 8 years and learned using his ice magic from his mother and grandparents while his father used to teach him using power of destruction whenever he visited him,Well he used to come their everyday.

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