Chapter 3

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Rudeus was waiting for sirjechs to visit him for his training.

Soon enough sirjechs came with his knight,Souji okita.

"Should we start training,Kid"Souji asked

"Are you going to train me"Rudeus asked

"Ofcourse"He replied

"Are you even strong enough to train me"Rudeus asked underestimating knight

"He is my knight"Sirjechs said

"A knight but i already know how to use swords very well"Rudeus said

"Who thaught you"Sirjechs asked

"Grandpa thaught me,He is very skilled in swords"Rudeus said

"Lord zeoticus can use swords,I didn't knew it"Souji said in shock

"No he meant Lord lucifuge,He used to be a swordsman"Sirjechs said

"Yeah he trained me in using swords and ice magic"Rudeus asked

"But souji can train you even better"Sirjechs said

"Can't you have someone else to train me"Rudeus asked

"I believe you already have somebody in your mind for training"Sirjechs asked

"Yeah i do"Rudeus replied

"Who do you want to train with"Sirjechs

"Uncle Sairong"Rudeus smiled widely

"Sairong?When did you met him"Sirjechs asked

"Once granny took me to bael territory anx their i met uncle sairong,He is strong and cool,Can you ask him to train me"Rudeus asked with puppy eyes

"He is heir to bael clan,He must be busy"Sirjechs reminded

"You can atleast try,i am sure he won't refuse"Rudeus asked and Sirjechs sighed and summoned sairong with a magic circle

Sairong looked at sirjechs and bowed and said"Lord lucifer, you called me"

"Yo,uncle Sairong"Rudeus greeted him

"Hello twerp guy"Sairong greeted back

"Sairong can you tell rudeus that you are busy and don't have time to train him"Sirjechs said

"Train rudy"Sairong thaught a bit

"Will you train me,Uncle Sairong" Rudeus used his cute eyes technique

"I am free,i can train you but believe me it won't be easy"Sairong said

"I don't even like easy things"Rudeus reminded and Sairong smiled and turned to sirjechs and said"I will take his training from here,Lord Lucifer"

"Thank you Sairong,Lets go Souji"Sirjechs said and teleported with his knight

"Now shall we start"Rudeus asked and Sairong's face turned serious and he said"200 push ups"

"On it,Master"Rudeus yelled out and began while sairong smiled at him and himself started to do same to assist him.

"192,193,194...19..5"Rudeus was about to complete his task and Sairong who was at 800 pushups turned towards him and said"Try using magic only to regenerate your stamina,It will help you train even longer"

Rudeus nodded and used his magic to regenrate and finally completed his task and got up and Sairong commanded"Now 200 sit ups"

"On it"Rudeus yelled out and started doing situps this time using magic only to regenrate making it easier for him to do so.

"Amazing you are getting hold of it"Sairong complimented

"Thank you"Rudeus said and Sairong turned serious again and said"We will do only physical training for a year and then we will move on to weapons along with regular training"

"I still have a long way to reach your level"Rudeus said to himself and sighed.

4 years later-

Its been 4 years since Rudeus started training with sairong,And he have grown very strong in these years.

Even though he is just 12 years old but he as strong as a top notch high class devil,In magic area not to mention his swords skills and the physical strength,He is not too strong obviously his body need time to grow but he is skilled.

Sairong had some work back in bael territory so he went back,And Rudeus began to train himself.

Its been a few months,Rudeus used to train everyday in supervision of his grandparents in lucifuge estate.

But one day,Rudeus was in his room lying on his bed thinking about something.

He suddenly heared a scream from downstairs and he got up to see it and saw a whole army in front of their castle.

He looked around and saw his grandparents fighting them along with all the servents.

The one who was leading the army stood in front of Lord Lucifuge or Invel lucifuge and said"Now invel its time you pay for your betrayal"

"I never betrayed anyone,I followed my masters wish,Which was survival of devil race and if we had contnoued fighting it would have resulted in our whole races extinction"Invel yelled back while fighting with other devil with his ice blade.

"It doesn't matter now,Your master is dead and New master gave me orders to kill you and take that spawn of false satan with us"Leader of army said and laughed

"No you won't touch him"Invel said and before he even realise someone from behind stabbed him in his heart as he fell on ground and his soul left his body.

His wife,Lucy lucifuge saw it as she ran towards him and met the same fate as her husband and both of them lied besided each others dead bodies.

Rudeus saw all of it and was totally shocked and angered no he was furious now as he made a sword of ice in hand and coated it with Power of destruction and ran towards the army.

One of soldeir saw him and laughed"Looks like the spawn of satan is here,Now we don't have to look for him"And before he realise he was begining to froze and finally he was completely frozen in ice.

"I will kill you all,Nobody will be spared,Now face the consequences of your actions"Rudeus said and trapped whole army in a ice dome as his body was covered in power of destruction as he somehow entered his humanoid destruction form and began killing all of them.

A servent who managed to survive the invasion quickly went to Sirjechs and informed him about it.

Sirjechs quickly reached the area with a small army along with his wife.

As they all reached there,they saw a large ice dome and sirjechs ordered"Grafiya break the dome"

Grafiya nodded and shot a lot of ice shard at it but it didn't broke and sirjechs said"I will do it"and he shot a ball of destruction energy completely shattering entire dome.

As dome broke everyone was shocked as Rudeus covered in blood but it wasn't his blood,And his usually silver and red hair were completely red due to blood in them,and he was standing over piles of dead body as Sirjechs and Grafiya ran towards him and they saw as he kicked one of corpes and spat"Fucker ruined my whole shirt"

As rudeus turned back and was hugged by grafiya while sirjechs looked around and saw corpses of Invel and Lucy lucifuge lying there.

Sirjechs and grafiya took rudeus with them to gremory estate,And After this incident rudeus was named to be "Bloodraven",And after death of Invel and Lucy,Lucifuge household was seized by council as they no heir eligible to inherit the property.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2022 ⏰

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