Fourth streamer and the princess peach titanic

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Back in toad town

Sea captain toad: if you need to go somewhere I am your toad!

Bobby: please don't fall off this time!

He looks at my clothes

Me: don't worry it's a normal boat this time!

On the great sea

Oh I have found the purple streamer!

But we need to look for the princess peach!

Meanwhile at the sea tower

Tyler: the hero is coming set the fog up!

Folded soldiers: yes boss!

They set it up around the other half of the great sea.

Tyler: ha she has no choice but to continue with the yellow streamer now she can't get to me!


We found the princess peach ship

And get on

Bobby: we need to find this safe!

It's upstairs

We take the lift

Bobby: just through this door!
Me: let's-

A scuttle bug comes down

Know what I'm heading to the captain room see you.

Bobby: okay!

Goes in.

After getting the lever and putting it in the generator and turn it back on

A group of scuttle bugs comes down and landed on me


Bobby: come on think of the code.

He heard me scream

Bobby: I'm coming!

Goes down to the generator room

Me: help me Bobby!

Bobby: okay.

Hey you stay away from her!

They look at him instead

Leave her alone!

Scuttle bugs: it's our job to scare trespassers who comes on here and she is more happy scared of us don't you think? 

Me: no I am not!

They look at me again

Stay back I'm warning you!

They get defeated by Bobby

Thank you Bobby! Thank you!

I was so scared!

Bobby: it's okay I didn't know that you was so terrified of them.

Me: did you get the box?

Bobby: yes!

The box gets taken away by a tentacle

Me: ewwww I'm all covered in ink.

Bobby: we need to get my box back!

Outside the white gate we see the monster

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