Chapter Nineteen × Have You Heard the Good News?

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The month of December is an expensive one for many reasons:

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The month of December is an expensive one for many reasons:

1. I have to get Erik's Christmas present. Which, despite him having told me multiple times that I don't have to get him anything other than a kiss on the cheek, I have decided to prevail forward with.

I mean, what do you even get someone that can buy anything? A hooker? A one-armed magician with a limp? I don't even know where to begin. I know he likes lingerie; so maybe I buy some tablecloth from the Dollar Tree and craft something for myself - or cop-out the hundred or so dollars and purchase something he'll no doubt rip off my body within seconds, from Victoria's Secret.

And yes, it has happened before. And no, we don't talk about it.

2. On top of having to shop for and figure out what the hell to get for my aforementioned boyfriend, I also have to buy presents for the entire office. And I do mean basically everyone I come into contact with. Is it because I'm trying to buy approval or increase my credit card debt, I'm not sure?

What I am sure of is that I love Amazon and their next-day delivery with Prime. And by Amazon Prime, I do mean the subscription service that I have signed up for the free trial of and cancelled just before my credit card would be billed, many, many times.

3. I have to meet Erik's family at Christmas, which means more presents to buy and clothes to wear. And by clothes, I mean things that would look presentable to a multi-million dollar conglomerate. His family is literally filthy rich; and despite his mother's extra marital affairs, appears to be in good standing.

So, I find myself freaking out on Monday morning, the week of Christmas, as I try to figure out when the hell I'm supposed to get everything done. Also, Erik's cuddling antics caused me to snooze my alarm one too many times, thus causing me to miss my usual train and wait for the next one.

He offered to drive me to work multiple times, as well as offered to pay for my Uber, or Lyft, but I vehemently declined. Why? Because I am an I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T woman; and also a little stupid.

"Do you have the time?" A random man on the subway asks me as I sit and debatably look away from my phone, in disgust. Or irritation, because the time is literally right above him - flashing on the LED screen.

It's a trick I learnt long ago that people (creepy old men) do when they're wanting to start a conversation with you. So, as I would if I were a flight attendant, I motion my arm towards the screen and ignore him when he huffs, annoyed that his attempt at hitting on me or creeping on me, has been foiled.

Why men seem to lack the basic concept of hitting on only women within their age range, I'm not sure. What I do know is that it gives me a serious case of the heebie-jeebies and regret that I didn't take Erik up on his offer. And I do mean the one to drive me to work, not the one to call in sick so that we could roll around in the sheets all day. Though, that offer seems to be on the table more often than a sale at a discount store.

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