Zuzu and Suki

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"ALL MIGHT!!!" "I've been waiting, Hero. You're worthless trash." Agreed. "Nomu." I called, having the creature let go of Eraserhead and move over to me and Shigs. All Might leapt from the entrance, knocked out several underlings, picked up Eraserhead, then grabbed the kids and put them down some distance from us. At least he can do THAT right. He ordered the three students to take their teacher and retreat while Handy freaked over his face-hand falling off. "Throwing punches to save people... Ha ha ha. That's our state-sponsored violence. You're fast. Too fast to keep up with, but not as fast as expected. Could it really be true...? That you're getting weaker...?" All Might charged straight at Shiggy. "CAROLINA..." "Nomu." "SMASH!!!" Nomu just stared at him before lunging in for the attack. "Seriously? No effect at all?!" He punched the Nomu again, but to no effect. "No effect. Because he's got Shock Absorption. If you want to really damage Nomu... you'd be better off slowly ripping him apart, piece by piece... Not that he'll give you that chance." I slapped Shigaraki upside the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" "You talk too much. Never divulge information to the enemy. Kurogiri, get ready." My eyes never left the fight before me as Handman rubbed the back of his head, pouting under his mask. 

All Might suplexed Nomu into the ground, or at least, that's what it looked like. "UGHHH!! So that's how it is...!!!" All Might spat up blood as Nomu's claws dug into his sides. "So you hoped to drive him into the concrete and seal his movements? It wouldn't have worked. Nomu is as powerful as you. Well done, Kurogiri. Perfect timing, really." "Nomu, hold him tight and don't let go." I ordered. He obeyed and tightened his grip. "ARGH! Impressive, for first-time offenders..." Who said I was a first-time offender? "But prepare yourselves!!" "I can't say I much like the idea of having blood and guts inside my gate, but... if they're yours, I'll happily oblige. You see, it's Nomu's job to get around that blinding speed of yours and hold you down. And it's my job to close the warp gate on you while you're halfway through and immobilized. Thereby cutting you in two." I sighed. These two really want to fail, don't they? "ALL MIGHT!!!" Looking over, I saw Zuzu running straight at us with tears in his eyes. Shit!!! "Kurogiri. Send him away." "Understood, Overkill." Kurogiri got ready to warp Zuzu somewhere else, when Suki came blasting out of nowhere, "GET... THE HELL OUTTA HERE!! DEKU!!" The blond pinned Kuro to the ground as he wore a ferocious grin. Ice started forming on Nomu. "So I heard you people are here to kill All Might." A redhead charged at me, but I saw him coming. I grabbed his arm, pulled him in front of me, and kicked him hard enough to send him flying over to his friends. "GAHH!!" He had coughed up a little blood, but he got back up and wiped it with the back of his hand. Did I really kick him that hard? Whoops. "Crap!! Almost had 'im!" "You're not all that. You misty mook!!" "But scum like you could never kill the symbol of peace." "Kacchan...! Guys...!!" All Might was able to break free from Nomu's grip, holding his bleeding side. 

"You've pinned down our way out... Well... This is a problem..." "You slipped up, you bastard! And it's just like I thought! The parts you can turn into that foggy warp gate are limited! And you're using that misty crap to hide your real body, yeah?! Am I right?! If you're whole body was mist and physical attacks didn't work... you'd never say, 'that was a close one'!!" Perceptive... Well done, Suki. "Don't move!! If I decide you're doing anything fishy... I'll blow you straight to kingdom come!!" Well, isn't he aggressive. "That's not very hero-like, dude..." The redhead said, though he was grinning. "Not only have you beaten our level, but you're all at full health... Today's kids really are something... Our League of Villains should be ashamed...! Nomu. Take out the explosive brat. We need our escape route back." Shit!! Suki!! The Nomu got up, the parts of his body covered in ice being torn off. "Get back, everyone!! What the...?! I thought his quirk was Shock Absorption." "I don't remember saying that's all he can do. This is Hyper-Regeneration. Nomu is a super-powered living sandbag designed to withstand everything you've got." I smacked Tenko again. "Shut. Up." I gritted out. I discretely pulled on Suki's clothes, dragging him away from the approaching Nomu. All Might had taken his place for some reason. Shiggy decided that this was the ideal time to go on a little rant about heroes and villains and labels. He doesn't care about that shit, and All Might called him out. 

"Nomu. Kurogiri. Take him. Overkill and I'll handle the kids." Shigaraki dashed over towards the four boys. "Let's clear the game and go home!" I ran and jumped over him, placing myself between him and the kids. He skidded to a halt. "Overkill... What are you doing?" "Stand down, Shigaraki." I glared at him. He glared back. All Might and Nomu were fighting. Shigs charged at me like he was gonna attack. I jumped up, grabbed his extended arm, and threw him back towards Kurogiri. I looked back at the kids, who were tensed but watching. "Go back to your friends. Leave this to the adults." As I walked back towards a pissed off Tenko, I heard Suki yelling at me, with the redhead holding him back. "DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME, BASTARD!!!" All Might hit Nomu one final time, sending him flying through the dome. "Well, villain. How about we hurry up and finish this?" I looked at him. His muscles were twitching and he was refusing to move. "He's bluffing, look at him." Shiggy glared at me. "Whose side are you on?!" I shrugged. "Mine." He growled before charging at All Might. I sighed, running after him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a bullet making its way towards Shigster. "Of course." I muttered to myself. I speed up, grabbed Shigaraki, and pulled him back. "What the hell?!" "Shut up, you were about to get shot." I nodded towards the entrance. There were a bunch of heroes standing there. "Kurogiri!! Now!!!" The one with the gun started firing at us. I threw Handy threw the mist before turning towards All Might, dodging the bullets with ease. "Let's play again, All Might. Though next time, let's leave the kids out of it." Then I jumped throw the portal as well, landing back at the base. "Well, that was a massive failure." Shigaraki turned on me, furious. "What the hell was that?! Why'd you keep getting in my way?!" "My job was to protect you. Not my fault you kept doing stupid shit." I walked back to my room, leaving Kuro and Asshole to deal with Shigs.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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