Chapter 6

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At Thunder Club , Mumbai

Prachi and Kunal reached the yelling duo . The girl was about to hit Rehaan but Kunal grabbed her by her waist and pulled her aside .

Prachi - Rehaan ! What is this ? Why are you fighting with her ?

Rehaan - I wasn't fighting ! This mad girl came and started yelling at me !

Girl - Excuse me ! This idiot boy spilled all his drink on my dress and when I asked him to apologise he started shouting !

Kunal - Priya , will you calm down ?

So , the girl was Priya Kapoor , Kunal's sister like best friend . Priya and Rehaan were still shooting each other daggers through eyes . Prachi was frustrated now .

Prachi - Stop it both of you ! You both are at public place at least don't fight here ! Rehaan say sorry to her .

Rehaan - Why should I ? I won't say sorry to her !

Prachi - Rehaan please , for me .

Rehaan - Fine !

Kunal - Priya you should say sorry too for creating a big scene .

Priya - But -

Kunal - Priya....

Priya - Okay !

Gaining their composer Priya and Rehaan looked at each other with annoyance .

Priya / Rehaan - Sorry !!

Priya and Kunal left from there . Prachi was just staring at Kunal's retreating figure with a small smile on her face . Rehaan on the other hand was highly irritated by Priya , never in his life had a girl talk to him in that tone . Rehaan looked at Prachi , who was smiling .

Rehaan - That girl insulted me so much and you are smiling !

Prachi - Shut up , it was your own fault !

Rehaan - Yeah sure whatever ! I just don't want to meet her again !

Prachi - My sixth sense is telling me that we will meet them again very soon .

Sunaina came from the washroom . The trio also left from the club . Prachi took Rehaan to meet Shahana . While Sunaina went to spa .

At Oberoi Mansion ,

Shahana was talking with Aryan over video call .

Shahana - Is there a function or something ?

Aryan - Yes there is a function .

Shahana - Which function , oh ! Now I remember must me newly married Mr. and Mrs. Mehra reception , right ?

Aryan - Wrong !

Shahana - Then what is it ?

Aryan - Rhea and Ranbir's engagement .

Shahana - What ?!!

Aryan - Yes . Ranbir agreed to marry Rhea . The engagement will start soon .

Shahana - Didn't Ranbir love Prachi ?

Aryan - He did , may be he didn't , I don't know . Leave all that , how are you ?

Shahana - Good .

Aryan - And Prachi ?

Shahana - She still cries at night . You know it's so heart wrenching to see her like this . Someone is coming I'll talk to you later .

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