Chapter 47

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SATURDAY - 2nd MARCH, 2024

TIME - 7:38 P.M.
Raisinghania Mansion,

The house was bustling with noises. The families of business associates had gathered for the get together hosted. Vansh and Pragya were busy attending all the guests while Arya was learning some stuff from her uncle Rudra.

Prachi, Shahana, Kunal and Aryan formed their own small group. Yuvraj and Maya talking or more like Maya just nodding her head. Samarthya and Pankti were on the other side of the hall, with Samarthya acting like a palm reader. The Khanna family except Aryan were having their own family talks.

Roshni stood with Sid, finally having a conversation really resulted well for them. She didn't have to feel insecure, he loved her and only her. Niyati and Avantika were sitting on one of the tables waiting for their brother to arrive.

Meera, was alone. Again. She always felt left out at the parties Mehra's hosted but here among her own family she felt the same. Looking around for a while she spotted her mother discussing about something with Kunal's grandmother. She couldn't possibly stay here for longer, all this just made her uncertain of coming downstairs. She went to the terrace before anyone could notice.

Meera - Finally some peace. I should just avoid being at these fancy functions.

TIME - 8:56 P.M.
Lakshmi Narayan Chawl,

Rhea ate her dinner and was about to go to bed so she won't have to hear all the shit these people blurted. Ranbir was already inside making his own bed. Noticing her, he decided to say something.

Ranbir - You...why did you suddenly decide to divorce me ?

Taking her mattress from the side, Rhea answered.

Rhea - You guess.

Ranbir - I don't know, maybe because I don't have anything left with me. No money no nothing.

Rhea - Well I could say the same for myself. You don't see me studded in gold.

Ranbir - Then why ?

Rhea - All that happened due to me being a dumb bitch shouldn't have happened. I really don't want you to spend your whole life with someone like me. I honestly don't deserve you or anyone nice as a matter of fact. Just trying to rectify my doings.

Ranbir - Why should I believe you ?

Rhea - Trust me as the girl you used to be friends with.

Giving him a last smile she laid down ready to sleep.

Ranbir - Why so suddenly ?

Rhea - Should've realised sooner. It's not sudden it's the right time. You should to try and go ahead with your life. Achieve everything you wanted marry someone whom you love. Live a happily ever after.

Now, Ranbir too laid down and turned away from her.

Ranbir - The one I love would marry someone in a matter of months.

Rhea - It's not the end. Ranbir, when you love someone you just don't go and fall for somebody else that soon. I know that too but one day you would meet a girl who would make you fall her. Believe me you would.

Ranbir - I really want to believe you. I don't know what's going on inside your head but Rhea, if you really are concious stricken then please don't come in someone's words again.

Rhea - Yeah. Good night Ranbir.

TIME - 10:01 P.M.

Abhi was still awake, sitting on the stairs. Sometimes he really missed Meera, maybe he didn't have any feelings but still she was the only sane person here and atleast she used to care for him in the slightest way.

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