Chapter 9

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At Raisinghania Villa ,

In Prachi's Room ,

Prachi was smiling to the fullest , she was in her own world . She was smiling thinking about last night with her two best friends and on top of that she got two new friends . Suddenly she remembered something .

Prachi - Oh god ! I asked Shahana to reach the mall . I will ask Arya and Pankti to accompany me too .

In Arya and Pankti's Room ,

Pankti was reading a book while Arya tried to distract her .

Arya - Come on ! Pankti how can you read a book when someone as cute as me is trying to distract you ?

Pankti - Because I don't have time for an idiot like you .

Arya - I am not an idiot !!

Prachi came there .

Prachi - Why is Arya shouting ?

Pankti - Mad people often shout unnecessarily , di .

Arya - Di , see she is teasing me .

Prachi - Pankti don't tease my Aru .

Pankti - Then ask her to stop making bad jokes !

Arya - I don't make bad jokes !

Prachi - Anyways .... do you both wanna go to mall ?

Arya - Shopping !! Yes let's go !!

Pankti - Sure I will join you di !

Prachi - Shahana is also coming .

Arya - That means double fun !

Prachi - You both get ready . If we don't reach on time , Shahana will eat me raw !

Pankti - Just like Arya eats my brain !

Arya - Pankti !!!!

Prachi left from there . Arya and Pankti got ready . The three sisters left for their destination .

At Delhi Airport ,

Vansh and Pragya had landed in Delhi . Initially , Pragya didn't wanted to come but on Vansh's insistence she came . Vansh had an important meeting in Delhi and some other work too .

Vansh - Pragya , I will leave for the meeting . You can have a mini tour of the city till then .

Pragya - Tour ? I stayed here for past one year .

Vansh - Then go do some shopping or something .

Pragya - I will do what I want to . You just finish your work fast .

Vansh - Yes Boss !

Pragya - Boss ?

Vansh - Yes sometimes I feel that I am your employ and you are my boss because you are always giving me orders !

Pragya - Ok then employ go finish the given work fast ! Else I will fire you !

Vansh laughed hearing Pragya . They both left for their respective works .

At Pheonix Mall , Mumbai

Prachi , Arya and Pankti reached . An angry Shahana was glaring at Prachi . If looks could kill Prachi would be six feet under the ground .

Prachi - Why are you glaring at me ?

Shahana - I told you to come here at 10 and you are arriving at 11 !! I waited for one hour straight !!

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