Starscourge Radahn x Reader

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Golden leaves fall to the scarlet sands. The choir, surrounding you with their voices in ritual tones. A man stood high above the plaza, wielding a twisted blade of a sword in his grasp as he spoke of the festival. The general you have so took up to arms with, battled with, has became ill to the scarlet rot that Malenia had bestowed upon him. Yet even in his mangled mind, he was still a brave warrior and still lived to his name. You chose to take part in the events because you couldn't bare your general suffering much more. 

Yes, he is still alive but not as he once was. He gathered corpses to devour them as if a dog scrounging for sustenance. You gripped your weapon tighter in your grasp, racing yourself for the fight. As the sound of his howl rattled into the walls of the Redman Castle, all fell silent. Everyone, including you, went down the elevator to the arena. "Are you alright there, miss?" The large pot pondered, turning towards your direction with a slight lean as if he was cocking his head to the side. "No....He was my general in battle.... and it pains me to see him in such conditions." Your voice was merely whispers off your lips as you looked to your palms.

"My that is a shame. My greatest empathy towards you, my dear. The name's Alexander The Iron Fist. And if it helps you," His clay hand gently laid upon your left shoulder as you looked to him, "I'll help you with putting your beloved general to rest.... for his sake and yours." A bittersweet smile made its way over your face, tears biting at the edges of your eyes as the elevator gently stopped, everyone stepping off to go face to face with the once greatest demigod ever known.

Your right hand gripped tighter to your sword, heartbeat in your ears from the escalating rush as you beheld the sight of him. His red flowing hair dancing in the wind, Leonard weakly trying to keep him elevated with what strength he had. A sad whinny scrambled out of him as Radahn drew out his bow. His eyes scanned over the champions, landing on you. A twisted grin pulled at his lips, great arrow drawn back to his cheek. Your eyes grew wide with shock as he released the arrow in your direction, purple gravitational magic giving the arrow great strength and speed.

"Watch out!" A voice snapped as a Carian Royal greatsword blocked your vision, the arrow bouncing off the blade so heavily as the blade inched just a touch towards you before the hand holding it regained composure. You turned your head to see the owner of the sword, a half-wolf adorned in armor, ashen cloak covering his backside. "Are you alright?" He questioned, searching you over for any wounds. "N-No I'm alright." You mentally scolded to yourself to regain your composure before you were the next meal in Radahn's teeth. You twisted your sword in your hand, readying yourself to strike it against your own general. Never did you think to see the day where your general would need to be put down like a diseased animal. And yet, it's what he would want in such a state. To be gifted an honorable death in his last days.

Radahn charged to the champions as you did the same, bracing yourself for impact as his gravitational swords pulled you in, large clusters of rocks barreling towards you as you dodged them with relative ease. Fighting alongside him made it easier to understand his next moves as you maneuvered behind him, stabbing your sword into the back of his neck, crimson fluids pooling from the impact. A deep and guttural scream rumbled from the generals throat, a large hand reaching behind and grasping you entirely. Squirming and trying to be released, as he brought to in his vision, anger flared in his golden orbs. "My......Soldier...." The words were twisted and barely spoken from his lips as he fought everything in him to bring them out. You stopped for a mere moment in the midst of your struggles to bring your vision to his as his facial expression softened.

"" His expression showed the internal fight he was having to not tear you apart in his large hand for he had not the desire to shred his beloved soldier. A tear slid down his cheek, you could feel his grasp on you restraint to not squeeze you. "I'll give you the honorable death you so desire my general.... and to put you at rest of the rot." When you did find your words, they were truthful to his ears, as your small armored hand gently touched his cheek. 

Tears brimmed your eyes, one managing to slide down your cheek as well. He released you with sudden harshness as you fell to the scarlet and blood stained sands, your lungs grasping for air from the sudden drop. A roar of pain emerged from Radahn due to the champions taking their picks at him, until he was leaned over you, barely holding his weight. " general." you whispered to Radahn before piercing your sword into his throat, his breaths being choked by his own blood, gargling in his windpipe. His palm reached up to your face, gently cupping your cheek in his large hand. You couldn't bare to hold the tears as the flowed unwillingly, every bittersweet emotion running rampant through you. Radahn gently leaned forward to you. His thumb wiped away a tear on your blushed cheek, choking out the words to you, "Don't....C-cry..." as his lips placed a soft kiss to your own, the taste of his blood mingled in the shared moment between the two of you. His hand slowly slipped off your cheek, plopping to the sands below as his head did the same. 

"I'm sorry it came to this dear." Alexander's voice broke the stone cold silence that befell the wailing dunes, his hand once again resting on your shoulder in a form of grief and aid. Your body twisted to face Alexander, sobbing into his crock form as he gently patted your back, rubbing circular motions toe as your quivering sobs. "Oh its not so bad. He's finally dead!" A higher pitch voice emerged from behind a greatshield, a small, meek bald man. "Shut up, Patches." Growled the half-wolf man, pointing his greatsword in Patches' direction. Patches squeaked before diving back under the greatshield for protection once again. Following that day, the fellow champions comforted you at Redmane Castle, aiding you in your loss of your beloved general and lover. In the end, they gave you his great rune as a piece of him for yours to keep.

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