Blaidd The Half-Wolf X Reader

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Mistwood. Heavy thumps echoed behind you. Thick fog shielding your vision, your heartbeat ready to pump out your chest. You adorned no armor, only mere rags as you had been struggling to find something proper. Animalistic growls bounced off the trees, reaching your ears to send shivers down your spine. Runebears were the predators of this forest, and yet you found yourself chased by one as it was angered from your presence within its territory. A slightly crumbled old building came to view. Mistwood ruins. You gathered what little stamina that was left in you to sprint towards the abandoned stones. A twisted turn into the ruins and you found yourself in a small corner, illuminated white mushroom accompanying you as you trembled, pounding footsteps paced in search with deep sniffs to find your scent. 

You brushed a strand of hair off your sweat slicked skin, your pulse in your head, lungs burning with each greedy intake of air. Your body slumped against the wall, trying to ease your heavy breathing to not bring attention to your presence. The runebear peered around the corner, sniffing just in the opposite corner of where you huddled. Fear grasped you in every inch, before a husky growl emerged from above. A large shadow plummeted to the space in front of you, flash of silver armor and ashen cloak. You peered up to see a man, yet with the head of a wolf.

His form crouched in front of you slowly, extending his right arm in front of you as his palm rested on the wall beside you, his back facing you. "Don't. make. a sound." His whisper was stern over his shoulder to you as you obeyed willingly. "Who are you?" Your curiosity getting the best of you as the runebear overheard your subtle whisper, growling in response to your voice. "The name's Blaidd, now be quiet." He snapped, turning his attention quickly to the runebear as it craned its head towards your direction. Sharp ivory fangs flared as it gripped the soil beneath its claws, a rumble emerging from its throat. Blaidd mimiced the animal, flaring his teeth but letting out a deeper growl as his hand next to you gripped harshly into the stone, his curclean orbs piercing the gaze of the runebear as it lost focuc on you to turn on him. He kept his composure firm, solid as steel as you sat shakily, trembling behind Blaidd. The only thing that kept you from being a nervous wreck was his scent, a rustic sandalwood musk that your nostrils drank eagerly to try and calm yourself. Eventually, the runebear decided it wasn't worth a fight to get to you and left not before letting out a roar in frustration. Weighted thumps slowly decreased in volume as you realized you were gripping Blaidd's cloak this whole time, releasing it gingerly as to not look crazy.

"Now why did you come into these woods without any protection?" Blaidd turned to you, standing up completely to face you as he lent a hand down towards you. "T-the runebear came after me a-and I panicked." you sheepishly replied, taking upon his offer of helping you to stand. "Hmmm....well you dont need to be out here, not around these runebears anyways. Come with me, I know somewhere safe you can be at for now." He turned his snout north, gesturing the way before placing a large hand on your back to guide you. His touch sparked electricity where it made contact, a blush creeping through your skin as he gently pushed pressure behind you to make you walk forward. "Why is your cheeks red?" Blaidd mused, cocking his head to the side with a wolfish smirk plastered on his lips. You smacked his armored chest in defense as a deep chuckle rumbled in his ribcage. Already just meeting the half-wolf man and he's a tease. Already a pain yet a blessing on your part as you made your way to Ranni's Rise.

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