Maliketh x Reader

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Lyndell's streets were lively, golden leaves scuttled over the cobblestone paths with golden rooftops reflecting the moonlight. A festival in full motion in celebration of Marika's crowning. Citizens gathered from various regions to dance and drink throughout the timing of the night. You wore your finest dress, charcoal black velvet that formed to your curves. Golden lines twirled and twisted on the fabric into an intricate design. Silver heels tapping the stones at your feet as you walked around the capital, busy sounds of merchants offering some of the finest cuisines to freshly brewed beverages. Demigods gathered in the streets, various conversations in every direction as they conversed amongst themselves. Your eyes caught porcelain white fur dashing past a corner, flash of similar colors as your dress.

Hot breath fanned the skin of your neck, goose bumps erupting over flesh. "Excellent choice of colors." A deeply hoarse voice, old in the gravel of its tone. You turned on your heels to find a large half-wolf. Black and golden trimmed armor covered parts of his body, faded gray fur on the exposed parts. Elongated snout faced you, pearl hued mane seeping past the helmet. "Greetings, Maliketh The Black Blade." Hands gripping the fabric on either sides to the skirt portion of your dress, bowing in a greeting to the old shadow beast. His identity was hardly a secret in the city. Marika's half brother and shadow beast, in guard of the rune of Destined Death. Only, his blade was put away for the occasion as to not alert the townsfolk.

"Care to walk with me?" His voice is old but help a flirtatious tune, lending his hand out towards your body. You gladly accepted seeing as there wasn't much going on in the bustling section of the town other than drunks getting tackled by Lyndell soldiers or musicians playing the same tunes after some time. Maliketh took you to a silent street, the cobblestone turning to dirt as you walked up towards a large structure where moonlight replaced street light. "I find this area to be less consuming of voices." Maliketh broke the silence, giving you a small smile that his helmet allowed to come to view. "It does get out of hand down there at times." You added, still holding his hand while he used his other three limbs to move. Granted he had hands, he still preferred to almost crawl due to his large size and grizzled shape.

It suited him though, such a large man but also soft on your skin. His hand never once held yours too tightly. Never allowing his nails to scratch your palm in accident. It was a change of pace to a warrior that every Demigod feared. A rare occurrence for the old soul but a welcome distraction. He sat on the dirt and removed his cloak, or what little one he had compared to size. He laid the royal fabric upon the ground, gesturing for you to sit upon it. "It will get dirty." Your concern etched over his face for a mere moment before a booming laughter fell his lips. "I know how to wash fabrics. Besides, the lovely lady's dress is far more important." A wave of heat came over your cheeks, pinkish hue enveloping them. You were glad for the moonlight to conceal your blush, or at least Maliketh didn't seem to notice.

"Thank you." You accepted his invitation, dress flowering over your legs with them curled at your side. "I'm guessing you're wondering why I have brought you here, away from the city." You never thought about it at the time but he was right. Why did he ask you of all people to walk with him when the Black Blade could have any fair maiden. Could have talked to one of the demigods even. "Yes." When you did find the word it was a hushed whisper from your mouth, orbs peering at the city below as the crowd was loud for a moment only to quickly settle as musical notes rang out louder once more. "I have been watching you, for quite some time. You might have known me more as the beast clergyman." You head snapped quickly to that name. Maliketh was him? This whole time? He reached behind him, pulling from his armor a faded chestnut robe. It was him this whole time. You reached out, small hands grabbing the fabrics as your thumbs ran over the threads. The familiarity was vivid as he continued, "I wanted to tell you whom I was for so long... but even I have my fears, dear." You had showed him love as the clergyman, finding him death root and spending your time with him. Laughter and conversations shared many time between the two of you, even some dark secrets that nobody else had heard.

Only, now he was showing you his darkest secret. Maliketh's armored hand rested on your back, your attention turning to him, hands slowly releasing the robes you came to know for so long. Your dearest one now adorned with armor, flattering his sleek form and strong frame. "I waited to see if you really did like me for who I really was. Not for my name," Thumb tracing your side, before moving to cradle your head in his large palm, "I need not for you to fear me. And yet...after you showed so much sympathy for me... it devoured me until only you were contained in my thoughts, my dreams." Hearing him say all this was so sweet, a mighty beast releasing his locked doors of affection to pour them over you. "My dear," His hand twirled your hair, feeling the soft sensation of your locks flowing effortlessly in the Erdtree's breeze, "Would you have me? I can't think of such another to be in your place."

Your hand ran over the side of his muzzle, reaching under his armor to feel his warmth and fur. "Maliketh..." his name like silk and honey in your voice to his ears. He could hear you say his name a thousand times more and still shiver at the hearing. "I will have you, but you are immortal. I still can be taken by death." Your concern was in logic. Maliketh couldn't perish but you, however, were still able to age. "I can relief one's concern if wished. It would require me to take your destined death, bearing it within the amulet, away from my love." This wove strings of hope as your nod was all he needed. He cradled you close, running a hand through your hair once more, other resting on your waist. Slick tongue snaked over your skin, sharp breaths seeping past your pale lips. You were well aware of what Maliketh had to do to take your destined death. You had to die by his hands so he could grasp the red light, concealing it within the rune so it cursed you no more.

His fangs searched for your jugular, stopping once his lips ghosted past it. "Are you ready, love?" He murmured to your throat, a thickly swallow ran down your esophagus. You were nervous but trusting in your love. With one hand touching his muzzle in reassurance, he leaned his had back, mouth gaping open with ivory fangs shining in the moon's blue illumination. A quick dive to your throat, clamping down hard as you felt the sting, eyes wired shut with hot fluids trickling down to your chest, soaking the velvet black fabrics with a deep scarlet. You couldn't bare a scream, nor did you desire to. For Maliketh was careful in his work, breaking your major vein within his teeth, tongue tasting your bodily liquids. Your vision blackened slowly, encased in darkness as the last thing you saw, was Maliketh's snout, strings of blood and saliva between his teeth, dripping from his chin as a sonorous howl rang your ears.

You awaken to rough licks on your neck, hand quick to reach at your throat only to find the portion in tact, a blank canvas with not one single scar. "Your destined death is no more my beloved." He whispered, brushing your hair from your face. Fingers finding their way to his chest where he still cradled you, never moved from where he sat, only cuddling your form to his. His bestial lungs rose and fell gently, lulling you to his whims as you nuzzled your head into his chest to hear his heartbeat. Slow, heavy rhythm beneath his armor with the company of his animalistic hum. His head curled next to yours, concealing you of the bitter night's wind where your dress had soaked with blood.

You went on to be Maliketh's consort, his name protecting you from even the nastiest of creatures. He had a ruby necklace made just for you, golden chain with a black depression to clutch the gem. His blood gave the ruby its deep red hue as that was his way of being close to you even when apart. Marika took favor to you as her half-brother's one and only. She aided in your wedding by making a ring in the shape of a silver wolf, your finger sliding through the mouth as it mimicked biting you to symbolize the night Maliketh renewed you, saving you. She ensured your protection as well by offering you a chamber within the Capital. And yet all the while, Maliketh still never lost his admiration for you. His eyes glistened to your presence, howled your name when the two of you performed an entangled dance of love, and celebrated with you when the announcement was made of his beloved bearing his child.

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