Blaidd (Mimic Tear) x Reader (Part 1)

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(TRIGGER WARNING: This story is a real tear jerker, but no worries, all of my stories always end happy! I just wanted to give a heads up so you know to feel free to stop for a minute to grab a tissue or calm yourself down cause again, happy story here don't worry!)

"You've hardly touched your food." You looked down to your plate, a majority of the food still there, but you weren't hungry. No appetite was in your gut. Pushing it further towards you, a gauntlet covered hand with a white foggy aura covering it. "Why do you stay here?" Your word struck bitter as your gaze met the mimic tear in the shape of Blaidd. This thing had followed you since after the...well you know. It had snuck out from Renna's Rise in this form, taking note from the times it saw you that this Blaidd was never far from your position. It noticed your bond with him and thought to wonder with you, only you despised its presence because it merely felt like a sickening reminder. "Look, I am painfully aware you hate me," rubbing its wrist from the last time you clawed at it to make it run away, somewhere, anywhere, "but you still need to eat. You have hardly eaten unless I force the plate on you."

Their voice was a perfect copy of Blaidd's, making their words sometimes feel more than their worth. Seeing Blaidd in front of you but knowing it wasn't him was torture in your mind. It would never be him. And on top of that, mimics never held a heartbeat, being they were only a blob of silver meant to copy another form. This one took Blaidd's form thinking it was a good idea at the time because of how well he fought, how well he protected. But once it showed itself, thinking you would be happy, you only sobbed more and yelled at it to run away.

Copied hands hesitantly reached to your forearm, weary of getting hit once more or stabbed by your fork even whilst wearing armor, but eventually resting on your arm anyways. "Look, I know your pain." "Oh do you now?" you spat the words as if sour on your tongue. The mimic flinched in fear for a moment before resuming, "Yes. I do. I hear your cries in the night, your sobs, your whispers of his name, chanting it as if it just might would bring him back." You shrugged their touch off you harshly, turning your back towards them. And so what if they heard it all with the acute hearing? It doesn't make a difference now. Your heart was rubble in your chest at this rate, tears slipped from your vision, staining the stone stairs at your feet.

You and this mimic stayed at Ranni's Rise, you residing in the chambers that now felt empty to you, cold and alone. The mimic, being it never had a need to sleep, would stand post outside the doorway to not let the creatures of the night near. You appreciated it looking out for you, bearing the same strength Blaidd did, but it like everything tortured you. "Your presence is torture to me...a constant, burning reminder of what I lost...of who I lost..." Tears fell more as your mind replayed the last events. This was unfair. Unfair! Why would Ranni go on her stupid quest and let such things happen?! Your fists clenched together, nails creating crescents in your palms.

The mimic curled up on itself, wrapping their arms around their legs and hugging tightly, head resting on their knees. Truly they felt bad for what you were going through, but they wanted to help. Wanted to make you smile even if for just a second or two. It's whimper ran in the breeze, free strands of your hair blown into your soaked cheek as the hair clanged from the wetness. "Please...I want to tell you something. If you would please hear me out." That perfectly copied voice once again felt like a weapon against you, tearing down your walls just++ as he would have. All it ever took was his velvet thunder voice to bring you at ease. Your silence encouraged the mimic to continue as it spoke in that soothing voice you grew to love, "Being a mimic, I have access to his ashes...his memories. I can see what he felt in those moments. His love for you." You turned, wiping your cheek on your sleeve, "He loved me?"

The mimic nodded, "Very much so. It was all he ever thought about. He never had a chance to confess, did he?" "No..." you word so much as a mumble. He never told you this from your knowledge, but hints were made from all the times he would spend time with you, even outside of missions. He volunteered to go where you went, followed you down to the deepest depths or the highest point. It was everything to you at the laughter shared, the conversations by the fires, jokes played on each other like the time you glued his cloak together to cocoon him as he tugged constantly to try and separate the fabrics but not damage it. You laughing at him as he looked like a helpless worm. A small smile nudged your lips, for just a second but it was all the mimic needed to see before arms came into your view, the mimic on their knees in front of you.

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