23: I Think I Like You

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a/n: i just want to say a quick thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read this book, especially the ones that comment on the chapters, it really makes me feel amazing that anyone can be bothered to do that, even though they're not obliged to. i try to pay you guys back with daily updates because honestly, the comments are where the majority of my motivation comes from so thank you so much for enjoying the story and giving me the will to continue writing, i really appreciate it <3

  Nimue hung up on her mother, holding her head in her hands as she waved away a man that had stopped to stare at her in concern.

  Every time they'd talk or meet, this would always happen. Eirene would get worried about her, and Nimue would end up hanging up or leaving the avoid the conversation. It was a tiring cycle.

  She took a few deep breaths, trying to compose herself again before she dialed the second person she had to call today.

  'Hello.' His deep, velvet voice rang out through the speaker. 'Is this Nimue?'

  "Yes," She replied, "It's me. I have something to ask you."

  'What is it?'

  "Uh- can I please have some more time off? I was just talking to my mother, and I know that we're already behind schedule, but she really wants to see me and-"

  'No.' His voice showed no emotion, but she knew that he was furious behind his smooth exterior. 'I don't like you talking to her.'

  "But she's my ​​mother."

  ' And? You work for me. I control everything and anything you do. Unless, of course, you want to quit, and let me have full control of Project M.'

  "No, no I don't want that." She ran her fingers through her hair and chewed on the inside of her cheek, struggling to think of what else to say. "It's just- uh, well. I mean... nevermind. I'm sorry."

  'Good. And how is my son, by the way?'


  "Nimue! Hiya!" Tiro ran up behind her, clutching medical records and papers in his arms, trying and failing to hold them all as they continually fell to the floor.

  She gave him a weak hello but mostly ignored the man, crossing her arms over her torso as if the hallway was below freezing.

  "Hey! Nimue! I forgot to tell you about something that Dot did- wait, are you okay?"

  At the mention of Dot she stopped in her tracks, squeezing her eyes shut tightly and gripping her arms harder. Tiro was still speaking to her, but it was all a blur.

  "Are you good? What's wrong? Am I allowed to hug you? Answer me, okay? What happened? I'm going to hug you now, push me off if you don't like it." And with that, he wrapped his arms around her and squeezed tightly, whispering comforting things into her ear as she finally allowed herself to cry, the medical records lying forgotten on the floor.

  They stayed like that for many minutes, Tiro never ceasing to comfort her as her sobs turned from wailing, to sniffling, to silence. Even then, he made sure she stayed next to him so he could make sure that she was okay.

  After she had recovered, he sat in a chair in her bedroom with her on his lap as she tried to explain.

  "He- I- we, I don't know, I don't know." She repeated, causing him to hug her tighter and stroke her hair to calm her down. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," He reminded her, "There's no pressure, I promise."

  "I don't think I can say."

  "That's okay. You don't have to. Do you feel a bit better now?"

  She nodded, resting her head in the dip just above his collarbone while he shifted her onto the bed and joined her there, hugging her tightly.

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