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hiya people :D

so i finally finished!! (whoop) this is the first time i've actually managed to finish a project, i honestly can't believe it (seeing the little completed mark next to the book is ending me every time i look at it lmao)

so um yeah :3 if you're seeing this then tysm for sticking with me throughout the book! i know it's sorta... riddled with plot holes and inconsistencies but that just makes me all the more grateful that people care enough to actually read what i'm putting out there, however flawed 💖

i'm definitely going to put a rewrite out at some point (in the far... future...) as i really love this story and its characters so i'd love to see them represented with better / more consistent writing and plot. there are also a few things i missed out like nimue & digorn full backstory and expanding on dot's childhood / his relationship with nimue a bit more but ofc there's always space for me to do that in extras or in the second version so idm too much <3

ty all sm for all your comments, hearts, reads and support 💕💕 i honestly cannot describe how much that all means to me and i know that without you guys that i definitely wouldn't have been able to stick with this book through to the end, so thank you all for that, truly /gen

so for what comes after this uh,,, i know i didn't explain much anything about what happens to everyone after the end, so i might write an epilogue? it all relies on if i can bring myself to write it bc my motivation has really been lacking recently. if i do find myaelf able to do it, great! and it would be good if i could get some shorts out about uh various things and stuff just to tie up some of the loose ends and bring back some characters we didn't see much of :[ but it's not a given (feel free to request any short/oneshot you'd like in the comments tho! having an idea to start with is always good for motivation <3)

after this i plan to start another project that's vastly different to this one, my vague plan atm is royalty... romance... uhh maybe vampires... (basically i have no clue) but i'll update this book again with a preview of it once i do get it out, just to shamelessly promote it and get the hearts/reads kickstarted (i thrive off of attention, if you couldn't tell ;-;)

but that's it! again, thank you so much for reading all the way through to the end! i really hope you enjoyed my work and would love if you could tell me what you think of it in the comments <3 but ofc you don't have to, just having people reach the end is rewarding enough 🥰

in my next project i hope to try and keep a more consistent writing style as i definitely felt my writing in this book was really,,, not very good at times, so that's definitely something i want to work on :33

bye everyone! 👋 i hope to see you in my next project as well 😊😊

- mika

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