53: Burn

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a/n: last chapter!

  "Well this is a change of events." Crita raised an eyebrow, looking at the woman in front of her before turning back to see her boss, looming in the doorway like some sick phantom. "Should I take her instead?"

  "Of course not." Digorn scowled and chewed on his thumbnail. "I told you to get the boy, so now you will get the stupid boy."

  "You heard him," said Crita to Nimue, "So move."

  "No. He's only used for experiments because of his human side, so it would probably give even better results if you-"

  "Ah, but he only wants Dot."

  "I won't let you do that."

  "You're fighting a losing battle here."

  "Maybe- but that doesn't mean I'm going to keep going along with his games. It's me or nothing."

  Crita turned her head back to her boss, her unspoken question hanging in the hair.

  "The boy." Rung his response, echoing through the room like a funeral bell.

  "I'm sorry, dear." Said Crita, before letting go of Nimue's wrists and peeking over her shoulder to see Dot.

  "I said, I won't let you do that." Warned Nimue before she swung her clenched fist towards Crita's face, connecting with a dull thwack and pushing the woman backwards. Through pain, a nosebleed and watering eyes, Crita fought back with a kick that hit her opponent on the side, making her grunt in pain.

  Digorn said nothing as a tense fight ensued, Crita somehow managing to hold her own against all six of Dot's self-knighted defendants. Well- not that anyone except Nimue knew the first thing about fighting. Nsia used to take karate classes when she was younger, but that was about it. Tiro managed to hurt himself more than anything else in the confusion.

  The boss only stepped in when the faint sound of breaking glass was heard, and Dot's gentle yellow shirt was steadily becoming stained with a bright blood red, a stain that was only spreading as time went on.

  "Shit- the pendant-" Felix and Nimue raced towards him with Digorn a few paces behind, the fight forgotten as everyone stood dumbfounded, staring at the hybrid as he bled.

  Nimue pulled off his shirt and removed the broken necklace, wincing when she saw the jagged edge of his butterfly pendant, smeared with blood. She then inspected the wound for any stray shards of glass, breathing a sigh of relief when she found nothing.

  Felix ripped a clean section off of Dot's ruined shirt, the soft cotton fabric tearing with ease when faced with his adrenaline-enhanced strength. He pressed down on the wound, not knowing the first thing about first aid but wanting to stop the bleeding any way he could.

  Nsia broke out of her trance and stepped forward, reassuring the pair that she was a doctor and began to help Nimue in any way she could. Thankfully, although the cut was bleeding heavily it didn't seem to be too deep, and Dot (apart from being very shaken and dizzy from the blood loss) wasn't in too much pain.

  "Can we get him a transfusion?" Nsia asked Nimue, doing her best to ignore Digorn's looming form as he sat between them.

  "No. His body would reject any blood type, so he just has to save what he's already got. Luckily-" Nimue looked up at Crita, who nodded and strode out of the room. "We have invented things to help him with that."

  They sat motionless for a few painful minutes before Crita returned, holding some sort of clear liquid in a conical flask and medical equipment used for stitches. Nsia wasn't sure of the liquid but Dot seemed to know what it was the instant he saw it and leant forwards as Nimue poured it down his throat, leaving her speechless as his wound began to almost... knit itself back together, Dot's strength steadily returning.

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