My HeadCanons

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Okay, so I don't know what to do for the next chapter so I thought I could give you guys a few of my HeadCanons instead.

(Damm writers block)

Hope you enjoy :)


* He is mentally & emotionally unstable

* He is either disliked or hated by everyone in the whole Multiverse so when Dream was nice to him. It caught him completely off gaurd.

* Very bipolar

* In reality, he actually has a small crush/intrest in Dream, however due to him being very unstable/insane. His emotions converted the feeling into an extreme feeling of obsession and L.O.V.E, causing him to lose control of himself and crave for the warmth that he feels around Dream.

* He will NOT hesitate to kill for Dream

* Dream's aura doesn't really effect him and he genuinely does like Dream

* He genuinely wants Dream to be happy, but only with HIM

* He is both a Yandere and a Psycopath

* Even though he doesn't do it often, commenting arson helps him calm down


* He HATES any type of relationship, especially a romantic one

* Strongly AroAce

* He absolutely despises Dream, however a very small part of him still cares for him and is the only reason why he isn't dead yet.

* They're lives are NOT bonded together so if Nightmare kills Dream, he will still live.

* He strongly denies it, but if ANYONE were to almost kill or severely hurt Dream. He will make sure they regret even looking at him.

* He secretly cares for his team and even shows it from time to time

* He still has his 'old' crown and clothing before the 'incident', but has placed them inside a box underneath a floor board, under his bed. It also has a very old picture of his 'passive' self and Dream when they were younger.

* Every 150 years, he goes back to what's left of DreamTale and stare at the stump of what used to be his 'mother'.

* If Nightmare found out what Error did to Dream, he will MAKE sure to beat the living crap out of him.


* He still deeply cares for Nightmare and still considers him his brother

* Demiromantic & Demisexuale

* Error is NOT the first Yandere Dream had to deal with, but is the first one to successfully capture and contain him.

* He has mild trust issues

* Started considering Error as a friend before he ended up capturing and Raping him.

* He wasn't able to identify Error as a yandere despite his experiences, because his emotions were very allover the place. Making it extremely difficult to properly pinpoint and identify them.

* He refuses to eat apples because they reminded him too much of the 'incident'. Infact, just hearing someone eat an apple makes him flinch.

* Has malusdomesticaphobia, claustrophobia, atelophobia, astraphobia, slight strigiformophobia, anxiety, OCD, and slight nyctophobia

* Blue, Ink, Alter, Lust, Cchino, Core, Abyss, Player, & Geno are the only outcodes/monsters he consider as friends.


* He is unable to create AU's, however, he does help the TRUE creators bring them to life and guards them.

* While he isn't directly connected to the AU's, he is able to tell when a certain AU is in danger a few minutes before it actually happens.

* He's AroAce

* While most of his emotions come from his paint vials, he is very protective of his friends and the AU's.

* He can sometimes get distracted easily

* He is very forgetful at times so he often write things that he thinks are important on his scarf so he could remember it later.

* He is very curious and is easily wowed/intrigued

* While he may sometimes goof around in battle, he has NEVER underestimated his enemy before.

* He trusts Dream and Blue with his life


* HATES being called Blueberry and perfers either Swap or Blue

* While he has a very childlike personality, he can easily pumle someone faster than they could blink.

* When he first faced the Bad Sanses, they severely underestimated him, causing them to retreat later on that day.

* The hammer he has was a gift from a creator who gave it to him for his birthday and it's very deadly as it is heavy.

* He has 1 HP

* Is the Mother of the group

* Pansexual

* He is Swap Papyrus's older brother despite what some people may believe

* He considers Dream as his best friend and will personally hunt Error down if he found out that he captured Dream.

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