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If you would've asked Liv 2 years ago where she thought she'd be today, she'd be disappointed to know that she's not in a serious, committed relationship with Bradley Bradshaw. Or engaged to him. At minimum.

When he walked into her bar for the first time, the attraction between the two was like nothing they'd ever experienced before.

He flirted with her, like they all did, but... He affected her in a way none of the rest had. He was confident, but wasn't cocky or arrogant. He was suggestive and flirtatious, but wasn't disrespectful. He made her genuinely laugh, their humor just clicked together, and she felt drawn to him.

She found herself seriously flirting back, but she stayed cautious, and kept herself unavailable.
Part of the reason she had hardly ever been involved with any naval pilots (beyond casual sex), was because she's the Vice Admiral's daughter.

And once they found that out? They'd be smart to stay clear of her, and she doesn't want to jeopardize a career over a date, or a fling.

Most of the pilots who come to TopGun don't stay. They're here for intense training, then once they graduate, they're shipped off all over to serve and do their job.

So there's no use in anything serious with them, in Liv's eyes, considering she's not going anywhere any time soon. So, she keeps any relationship at arms length, without any strings or commitment.

But Bradley was different. He was persistent, and she felt compelled to tell him about her father, and the real reason she won't take him up on any advances.

But he, unlike the other few men she's told, didn't scare off.

He convinced her to go on a date with him anyway, and make her decision for herself, without anyone else in mind.

So she did.
And she fell for him. Hard.

They snuck around for two months, spending most nights at Liv's home, or occasionally, out together outside of the base, but Liv had to fight being too paranoid to enjoy it.

Being with him was... a dream.

She had a couple of short relationships in high school and early college, and her longest relationship, which resulted in her being cheated on, lasted about 15 months.

But Bradley made her realize what she truly deserved.
He took care of her, she felt safe and cared for in his presence.
He was honest with her, and she could be honest with him, they could talk to one another about anything.
He made her laugh and smile more than she has in her entire life.

And the sex?

Easily the best she's ever had.
It was fun, it was passionate, it was... addictive.

He made her feel things she didn't even know she could feel. Their bodies fit together like puzzle pieces, and his touch... Lord have mercy.

Liv had never been happier.
They kept their relationship under wraps, and it wasn't always easy, but they made it work.

Until Bradley's time in North Island started coming to an end.

They started talking about it, Liv brought up the idea that maybe they could continue their relationship, and keep it long distance. They'd spent this long keeping their relationship a secret from anyone, she felt confident that they could do anything together.

LEGACY // TOP GUN: MAVERICKWhere stories live. Discover now