after party

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tw: talk of drugs


she always spends the night at my house. but her asking me out loud has never really happened. and the way she said it made it sound — weird.

"sure emo girl" i say to y/n as i walk out the door.

me and y/n walk outside until we see akaashi and oikawa. probably oikawa asking akasshi for drugs.

akaashi was from the fukurdani academy. he was really popular. mostly because he sells drugs to everyone. so everyone knew him. but other than drugs has was a cool dude.

y/n then let's go of me and walks right past both of them. me obviously, right behind her. akaashi turns his head as y/n passes. i try not to stare at akaashi but it bothered me how he looked at her.

my house was right beside kuroos so we just had to take a left. y/n leading the way.

"what was that about?" i ask y/n as i walk into my drive way.

"akaashi is my uh — " she starts speaking but stops for a moment. "special dealer"

i look at her. what did she mean by that?

i went to my front door of my house and tried to silently unlock the door. "be quiet" i say as i hold the door open for y/n to come inside.

it was 4 am. my parents would kill me if they found out i was coming home this late. specially because of the way i smell. aka, i smelt liked alcohol.

i hold y/n hand and try to softly go up the stairs to my room. y/n almost stumbles on a step but i hold her so she maintains her balance. we then manage to go up all the stairs and i tip toe to my room while gently closing the door after y/n enters.

"shit" i say under my breath. i was trying to remember everything that occurred but i can barely remember.


i take off my doc martens and kenma does the same. i lay on kenmas bed. and start thinking but i really couldn't put all the events in order in my head.

the last thing i can remember is akaashi. the only reason i let go of kenma was because akaashi was my drug dealer. and sometimes i payed him for my drugs by letting him use my body. so basically we had sex a lot since i love my drugs. and uh — we might sort of confessed to each other many times. but we were high whenever we said that. but it was still akward whenever i saw him in public.

kenma goes up to the bed and lays next to me. "do you like kuroo?"

"nah" i respond quickly without thinking. did i use to like kuroo before the party started? yes. but after all that happened. well what i remembered, was sophia. i could care less about kuroo now.

"cool" kenma says as he stands up and takes off his shirt. i turn red.

kenma has changed his shirt in front of me since we were kids but now it's different because he has started to change in the bathroom. after we turned 12 he just started changing in the bathroom. i'm guessing since puberty hit, he didn't want to make me uncomfortable.

but obviously kenma wasn't going go in the bathroom just to change. that would make too much noise and it's 4 am. we both were tired and didn't care at that point.

"like what you see?" kenma says as he grabs a oversized shirt and puts it on.

oh shit, have i been staring. "s-sorry" i apologize. i didn't mean to stare, it was an accident.

kenma laughs lowly. "here" he says as he throws me a shirt.

kenma knew obviously i wasn't about to sleep in a dress. so i grab the shirt and stand up. then kenma sits down on the bed facing me.

"uh— kenma" i say softly. was he really about to look at me change.

"yeah" he says with those low eyes. fuck.

"could you like turn around?" i ask him shyly.

"shit, my bad." he says and turns around.

i wait a few seconds and then take off the straps first of my dress. i then continue to get my dress off.

i hated tight dresses because they always took so long to take off. but it's worth it because they make me  look hot.

"you done yet?" kenma asks after a while passes.

"almost" i say while throwing the dress down as i finish taking it off.

"why can't i look?" kenma asks. was he serious tho? no it can't be. he's just really drunk, really.

"hold on—" i say but kenma turns around. i try to cover up but it was too late. i just had on my lacey black bra with short shorts that i wore under my dress.

"shit" kenma says lowly. honestly a part of me really wanted him to see me.

me and kenma have never gone too extreme in our friendship. we might of kissed once in a while but one of us was drunk or high as fuck. just like now. i knew kenma was more bolder when he was drunk. and whenever he smoked, he got way more attractive.

"stop looking" i say while turning even more red as before.

"whatever you say emo girl" he says as he turns around.


i always knew y/n had a pretty body but wow. of course i had to turn around, i wanted to see for myself. and looks like i found out.

"ok all done" y/n says and then i turn. y/n always looks adorable in my clothes.

"you look cute" i accidentally say. fuck why was i being so brave all of a sudden.

"thank you pudding" she then says in response.

"uh— yeah" i say while realizing how stupid i must look.


kenma was the biggest flirt when he was drunk or high. basically better flirt than oikawa. but holy shit why was this different than the other times? i go and sit next to kenma.

"want to watch the sunrise?" i ask while looking into kenmas pretty eyes.

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