meeting "her"

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tw: alchool & use of drugs

"yeah just please stay with me" y/n says. she seemed a little nervous? why would she be nervous?

oikawa then opens the door. fuck.

"wassuppp" he says in a raspy voice.

me and y/n stay quiet. was he high already? i bet kuroo is high as fuck somewhere too then.

y/n pushes through oikawa to get inside while grabbing my shirt. i then look around inside and see some people from the grade their as well as the whole volleyball club.

"yoo the emos are here" lev yells out. this is why i hate partys, i hate the attention. i akwardly do a wave while y/n holds tighter to me.

i start looking around for kuroo and he's nowhere to be seen. that's weird. it's his party.

"where the fuck is kuroo?" y/n finally asks after a while of silence.

"don't know— maybe i should text him?" i say in response.


"whatever" i say lowly. i stop grabbing unto kenmas shirt and look around for a drink. "i think we should drink" i say while grabbing vodka. kenma then looks at me.

"bet" he says while going closer to me to have a drink. i open the bottle and start drinking. "so good" i say while passing the bottle to kenma who then drinks some.

"i think i'm going look for kuroo" kenma says. i pretended to not care where kuroo was. but i really wanted to know.

"i'll go with you" i say while grabbing his hand, while my other hand is grabbing the bottle of vodka. we look and look. until we realized he's no where. weird?

"yoo lev do you know where kuroo is?" i ask lev since he's standing close to us.

"he went with a shorty upstairs" he says. what? me and kenma stay silent. then we look at each other surprised.

i quickly go up the stairs. what the fuck? who could kuroo possibly be with.

"y/n wait" kenma says as he catches up behind me.

"who is kuroo fucking?" i ask kenma as i stop walking in a hallway.

"uh—" kenma starts talking but stops.

"forget it." i say and keep going walking in the hallway until i see the bathroom. i open the bathroom door first and see a couple making out. i gag. i quickly close the door and go to kuroos room, the doors locked.

"we should go.." kenma says.


i had an idea on who it was. kuroos ex. i knew this since while i went to the bathroom at y/n's house earlier kuroo texted me. talking about his ex is coming— which they both always came back to each other. so i wasn't surprised. but what i didn't like about the whole situation is kuroo had told me he really liked y/n the day before.

kuroos ex, her name was sophia. i didn't like her since she was known as a, whore. she was too easy to get. and was the biggest pick me. she always wanted the attention on her.

"why should i go? kuroo is the one who fucking invited me to this party. and where is he?" she blurts out without thinking and pauses and then speaks again. "he's fucking someone."

"no shit." i say softly. i didn't want to hurt her feelings but she should know better.

why was y/n jealous though? did she like kuroo, and never told me? i mean kuroo did confess over text last night. but he was high. did it really impact her that much? y/n is crazy enough but jealous? you don't want to be near her when she's like that.

she then starts drinking the vodka bottle more. shit she can't finish that. i take the bottle away and drink some of it so she doesn't keep drinking.

"kuroooo~" y/n starts speaking as she starts turning the doorknob but it obviously won't open.

"y/n calm down" i say while trying to grab her away. i manage to pull her away from the door and she comes in my arms.

"who the fuck do you think you are?" a girl shouts out from the room.

a short long haired brunette girl with a nose piercing opens the door. i knew well that this was kuroos ex, sophia. she was crazy, but not as crazy as y/n.  not long after that, kuroo leans on the door.

y/n is still in my arms while all of us are making eye contact.

"bitch don't talk to me like that" y/n says while looking straight at sophia. 

sophia rolls her eyes and smirks. i then look up at kuroo. why does kuroo always come back to this stupid ex? she was a bitch.

"y/n this is sophia, you have met her before." kuroo finally says. of course y/n has met sophia.

< flashback, y/n >
11 months ago.

"honestly she's the cutest shorty ever" kuroo starts saying, "she's literally like a princess"

kuroo wouldn't shut up about his girl. i was so tired of hearing about her.

"so when i'm i meeting her?" i look up to hear kuroos response. i really wanted to meet her since kuroo made her seem like she was the most perfect girl ever.

"wait right here" kuroo says excited and quickly goes to the cafeteria to get his girl. i just wait patiently while fast enough kuroo comes with a short brunette haired girl. her eyes were green? she honestly was as pretty as kuroo described. but she seems like the type that pisses me off.

"y/n this is sophia — sophia, this is y/n" kuroo says. i stick out my hand to shake her hand. she never shook my hand back.

i look at sophia and then look at kuroo. wow she really did have the princess attitude, for sure.

"bitch" i say under my breath before walking off to go to my next class.

< end of flashback >


i never liked y/n. mostly because that's all kuroo talked about. i got tired of it. and when i first met her, she seemed like a fucking bitch. i didn't like how her uniform skirt was shorter than anyones, shirt not fully buttoned up. and her makeup was so extra. i remember she used to get called out in class a lot about her appearance but the teachers realized she didn't give a fuck.

and now she's wearing that revealing dress. everything about her is just ugh. bothers me honestly.

"babe, she knows who i am." i say while not breaking eye contact with y/n. "why were you looking for my man?" i say annoyed.

kenma looks at y/n. y/n breaks the eye contact and looks at the ground.

"just wanted to let him know i'm here" y/n says while turning to look at kenma. kenma then stares back at her.

i'm extremely confused.

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