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(This chapter includes the following: panic attacks, mentions of suicide and sh. Viewer discretion is advised.)

"Please tell me that Angie is up." I said, giving Donna a serious look. "No, she isn't.."

"Oh god."

"Maybe a raccoon got in?"

"You really think a raccoon is going to get in when we have lycans around here? Not to mention we live on a mountain cliff." I quickly got up, grabbed my crutches and hurried downstairs Donna not too far behind. We made it into the living room to see ....Miranda...? "What the actual fuck is going on here." Zinth finally speaking. "What are you doing here Miranda?" I raise my voice speaking with venom in my mouth. "Oh, dear child, I've been alive this whole time..seeing you live a comfortable life isn't as fun as I thought it would be." She stepped forward. "Miranda. Don't step any closer and I won't hesitate to kill you." I noticed my canines were sharper than usual. "Oh I won't. I've already done what I came here to do." She said, finally disappearing.

I turn to Donna. She looked at me curiously like something was different about me. "What's wrong?" I ask, looking in her eyes. She grabbed my face and lifted my lip to look at my teeth. "Uhm? What are you doing?"

"Stay still for a second." She said and I nodded. She examined my teeth and my eyes. "Interesting."

"What's wrong? What'd she do to me..?"

"She did something.. but I'm not quite sure what she did to you. You have the features of a cat, like your eyes and your teeth. But nothing else seems to be affected.

I began to tear up. I don't know what is happening and I'm scared. I'm not a monster...am I..? Will Donna hate me now?

'Is this a side effect to you guys?'

"I believe so. Though nobody has survived past this point. We aren't completely sure if you'll survive this."


"Y/n...?" Donna looked at me with a troubled face. She's worried about me and I don't know what to say. "Donna, darling. I need you to keep calm when I tell you this." I cup her face gently,she holds my free hand carefully. "I might not survive this.." her face contorted. "What....I- that can't be possible.. why..?"

"This is a part of my Cadou. I don't know why.. or how. But Miranda is back and we have worse things to worry about than me. I'll survive, I promise."

"You can't promise things you aren't sure of, my love and you know that."

"I know..I just want what's best for you. I can't really live without you."

"I don't know how I would either. We will know when the time comes. Though, I feel we have bigger things than Miranda to worry about." Bigger things than Miranda? What is she talking about? She can't mean my cousin can she? Maybe someone else, maybe Heisenberg? There are too many enemies to deal with at this point. I just want it to be peaceful. This village is basically a war zone and I'm stuck in the middle of it.

I hear a crow not far away and I know it's Miranda but decide not to say anything. I think Donna already knows. I might not be able to protect her like I have been, but I'll sure as hell try. "Hey, love?" Donna says carefully. She knows I'm deep in thought, and not to scare me. "Hm?" I look at her and she's not in her normal morning garbs. I tilted my head. "What's all this for?" She blushed and smiled. "I just thought maybe a different outfit would be better for a little." She grinned. "Why are you making that face? Are you planning something?" She jumped up. "No!" Her face turned red. She's lying. "Yes you are!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

(Discontinued) Helping? Donna Benevinto x reader (fem)Where stories live. Discover now