Nice guy

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In the following weeks Taylor and Sky try everything to find the man from the party. They called up other people that were there but no one was able to give any good information about him. It seems like no one really knew him. At a point Taylor started to accept it and gave up on the fact that she will ever know who the father is.

In the meantime something else happened. She was in a cafe one day and she met a guy there. They instantly were on the same wave and had a good talk. They exchanged phone numbers and even met a few more times. At first she didn't want to tell anyone about it but after some time she couldn't keep it in anymore. She met with her friend Sky and told him about this new man.

"I wanted to tell you something." She started.

"I'm listening."

"So I was in a cafe a few weeks ago and I met a guy there. We had so much fun so we decided to meet up a few more times."

"What are you telling me? That you have a boyfriend?" He asked.

"No he is not my boyfriend but I definitely like him a lot."

"Tell me more about him." Sky added.

"Okay so he works at a company in town but he came from England. He is tall, blonde and his eyes are so beautifully blue. He is very funny and also clever I think." She said and didn't even recognized how she was smiling while talking.

"It looks like someone has fallen in love." Sky chuckled.


"Yes you should see how you smile right now." He laughed.

"I will meet him again tonight." She said while she still wasn't able to erase the smile from her face.

"Just make him the father of your baby." Sky joked.

"Oh that. Yeah I haven't told him that yet." She said.

"He doesn't know that you are pregnant?"

"No I'm afraid that he doesn't want to see me again when he knows that I'm pregnant with someone else's child."

"Well when he doesn't want you because of that then he isn't the right guy." Sky said and she knew that he was right about that.

In the evening Taylor went into town and met the British guy in front of a restaurant that he had chosen.

"Hi." He greeted her with his warm voice.

"Hey Joe." She said and they hugged for a second.

They went inside and enjoyed their food there while also drinking some drinks. She just told him that she didn't drink alcohol at all to avoid any questions. Luckily he immediately accepted it. All the time she couldn't stop looking at him and really wished that he had some similar feelings for her. He was hard to read so she had no idea about what was happening inside him.

They walked through the streets later when it was already completely dark and a bit cold outside. She hadn't brought a jacket because she thought that it was warm enough. She tried to hide it but he immediately recognized it.

"Here take my jacket." He handed her his jacket.

"Thanks." She nervously mumbled. He led her to her house and they stood in front of the door for a moment and both of them weren't sure what to do.

"Thank you for this evening. It was really nice." She smiled at him and he smiled too.

"I also liked it. I really enjoyed spending time with you."

"Me too." She mumbled and got a bit closer to him. She smelled his scent and her heart immediately warmed up.

"Maybe we could meet up again tomor-" she started to say but was interrupted by him doing a step forward and pressing his lips against hers in a kiss. She was surprised but in a good way. This was what she wanted and she finally had a good feeling again. While their lips didn't left each other the jacket was about to fall from her shoulder but he hold it up against her body. Then their lips left each other again and he smiled at her with red cheeks.

"I would love to see you tomorrow."

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