Chapter II: Strange Coincidence

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Blanche's Point of View -

 I woke up from the noise of outside, I get up from my bed and check on what's going-on. "Sir, I will endow it by next week" Father beseech "No, I won't allow it " the debt collector deny "Please sir, we don't have any money even coins to give it you" Mother said beggingly "Well then, if you won't endow it by next week, your home will be demolish" the debt collector said and laughs wickedly.

 I step in the situation "Yes, we'll endow our debt by next week" I said with confidence "Oh really, you're just gonna end-up selling yourself to me" he said greedily "Why would I?" I said and smirked at him.

 "Of course, can you see I'm one of those handsome mans in dreamstream" he brag himself "Yeah, you're one of those handsome men s in dreamstream" I tried not to laugh it off, then one of his guards called him and they're whispering to him. 

 "Well then, we need to go for something urgent and remember next week, I'll be collecting the money" he said and they left. "Blanche, how dare you say that to him" Mother said "We still don't have a stable job, how can we endow it" Mother said worriedly. 

 "Don't worry, I'll be working as maid in the palace" I said and my parent's reaction is shocked. I talked my older brother, and he said that they needed new maids. And so, I apply to a maid in the palace, since the compensation is enough for me to endow my parents' s debt. 

 "I'll need to start packing my things" I said and went back to my room. "Blanche, why didn't tell to us" Father asked "I just wanted a surprise for both of you" I said while getting my things packed. "And I need to earn money, so your future grandkids can live a better prospective lives" I said and smiled at Father. 

 "Alright, but are you sure with this job?" Father assured me "Yes father, I'm surely with this job" I said "Okay then, it's your deliverance and go for it" father said "Thank you for this opportunity, Father" I said and hug him "I'm letting you go, since you're already at a matured age for young lady" he said and getting teary "Oh father, don't cry" I comforted him. 

 "Blanche, your ride is here!" Mother yelled and I excitedly grab my duffle bag "Take care on your way there, Blanche" Mom said "Take care of yourselves, while I'm gone" I said and get in the carriage. I look at the window and seeing my parents burst into tears, and I'm getting emotional in here. 

 It's is despairing, when parents are seeing their precious children are setting a new journey in their lives. But, this is what life is. When you reached at the mature age, you need to set a new journey or chapter in life without your parents. You need to learn how to be independent, strong, and start understanding the reality. 

 It's a long ride for me, and I sigh. I clutch my journal and a pencil, I continue sketching my illustration. I clearly recall his well-proportioned and lavish face, he has a unrealistic visual that will make you intensely gaze at him and hard to look-away. 

 Then, something hits in my mind. I take glance at my illustration, and it's the same visage in my dream. Is this a coincidence? I ask myself. I envisioned him in my dream, then last night I encountered him in reality. This is oddball and eccentric coincidence. 

 -Arthur's Point of View- 

 "Good Morning, Your Highness" the butler greeted "Good Morning, too" I said while fixing my collars. Then a sudden knock came from my door "Please open the door" I demand to my butler and he open the door, revealing Persephone. "Good Morning, did you sleep well" she asked "Yes, I slept well last night" I replied "Well then, let's take breakfast together?" she said "Sorry, I can't have breakfast with you" I deny her offer "You can, since it's will be two of us" she shyly said "Okay then" I said.

 We both sat down, and the food is being served at the table, "Enjoy your breakfast, Your Highness" the server said and left. We begin eating our breakfast soundless, both of us didn't talk, and a sudden cough from her. I grab my water and gave it to her "Thank you" she said and I gave her a light nod, and continue eating my breakfast. 

 -Beatrice's Point of View-

 "Your Highness, what are doing in here?" my maid asked "I just want to see Arthur, if really ate breakfast with Persephone" I said. We slowly enter the dinner room and hid ourselves to be not caught "Your Highness, we might get caught" she whisper "No, we won't" I whisper back and she nodded like she understood me. 

 "Look like, no one is talking" my maid said "Yeah, but at least he agreed to have breakfast with her" I said while peeking at them "They looked like a lovely couple" Callista complimented "You think so?" I asked "Yeah, can you distinguish them, they look good together" Callista said "They do" I said excitedly and we start giggling. 

 "Is that you, Beatrice?" Persephone asked. Oh no, we're caught "Yes, it's me" I said and reveal ourselves, "What we're you two hiding?" Persephone asked. Callista was about to say but I managed to interupt "I just wanted to see Arthur, if agree to ate breakfast with you" I said truthfully "Oh yes, he agreed" she said then Arthur get-up from his chair and ready to leave the room but he stops at the door "I'll tour you around the palace, let's meet up at the main entrance" He said and left.

 And Persephone smiled "Your Highness, good luck both of you" Callista cheered "What's with the good luck?" she asked and lightly laughs "Your Highness, you already knew that" I said and wink "Hey, what's with the wink, Beatrice" she said and blushed "Do you like him?" I asked curiously "Woah, that's sudden question there you got" she said and chuckle "I don't know, if I like him or not?" she mutter "You'll realize it, sooner" I said.

 "Your Highness Beatrice, the Queen is looking for you" the other maid said "Oh, she is? I have to go" I said "Well, take care" she said and I left her unattended.

 -Blanche's Point of View-

 It takes 2 hours to arrived to the palace, "Sir, are we getting near?" I asked "We're almost there" he replied "Oh okay" I said and went back admiring the daylight scenery. Minutes later, the carriage stops "We have arrived at the palace" he said "Thank you for the ride" I thanked him "Your welcome, ma'am" he said and I got out the carriage. 

 The fortress of Galavaria Empire is so huge, and it's beautiful to see it personally. "Hello there, are here for the work?" a lady asked me, I bowed first "Yes, I'll be new maid in this palace" I said with smile "I'm Callista Solace, a personal maid of the only princess of Galavaria" she introduces herself "I'm Blanche Sallow, nice to meet you" I introduce myself "Nice to meet you too, Blanche" she said with smile.

 "Let's go inside, I'll escort you inside" she said "Well, thank you" I said and we went to back door. "How many maids are being here?" I asked "One" she mutter "What? only me?" I said in surprise tone "Yes, since you're the only apply for this position" she said. 

 She toured around the palace, "The palace is huge, I might get lost here" I said "Don't worry, you'll be a personal maid for the princess" she said "Everyday, she likes to take a walk around the palace, so you might familiarize the places here inside the palace" she explained.

 We we're about to enter the Fountain of Dreams, which is located in center of the palace. "Oh not here" she said stops me from entering "Why?" I asked "Can you see" she said and pointed it. A alluring princess is having a moment with the tall prince. "Oh sorry, we should give them privacy" I whisper "Okay, let's just move on and came back here later" she said and we slowly got out. 

 After an hour, she showed my room and I thank her. "Change into these clothes and let's meet up in the dirty kitchen" she said and handed me the clothes "Oh okay" I said and she left. I laid down in my new bed and my lips formed into a smile. I got up and start unpacking my things, then I remember the sketch in my journal. I want find him, if this sketch of mine exist in this world.

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