Chapter 1: The Stalking

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a/n your a second year while Momo is a first year. Your about  17 and 6'2. Momo is 15 and  5'8. You 2 have the same quirk. 

Y/n's POV 

It was the first day of school. I went to go check on my little sis, Momo. When I got there I saw a boy about 15 or 16 he caught my attention instantly. I then saw my sister and asked, "Hey sis, Who is the spiky blonde over there?" "Oh that's Bakugou, he is a bit of hot head. You like him already because I found someone to protect too." (you and Momo are the same.) You nodded and she smiled saying, "Took you long enough." I punched her arm lightly, "Hey, at least I found someone." Momo laughed a bit. 

3rd person POV

Bakugou stopped arguing with Iida when he saw y/n. He was definitely going to ask Momo who it was. Aizawa came in the class room and y/n had to leave. 

After class Momo was walking to the next class but Bakugou tapped her shoulder. "Hey, who was that h/c dude you were talking to before the last class started?" He asked. She replied, "Oh it's my older brother. You want to talk with him?" He scoffed a bit and said, "What made you think that? But yes I do is there a problem. He seems like a cool dude." Momo chuckled and said, "Alright. I was going to see him before class anyway, I'll tell him to meet you at lunch in the front of the cafeteria. 

Bakugou nodded and walked to the next class. Momo walked to her brothers class and talked to him before walking to her class. Little did Bakugou know is that y/n had made a small little fly like camera that took pictures and videos of him. 

time skip to lunch 

When y/n got to the cafeteria he saw Bakugou standing against the wall. "Took you long enough." He laughed and responded to the explosive boy and said, "Sorry, teacher kept me in for a bit, but name is Y/n Yaoyorozu. Yours is Bakugou right." He nodded and said, "Katsuki Bakugou, nice to meet you y/n. Feel free to call me Katsuki." Y/n nodded and said, "Well then you can call me Y/n." He nodded and the both of them walked to get food while talking. They had a lot in common. 

Bakugou's POV

It was sad to have to stop talking to Y/n but we did exchange numbers so we can text. He had this weird heart look in his eyes, must be normal right we both just met. While sensei was talking I was taking notes and drawing Y/n. WAIT DRAWING Y/N!? We just met I cannot actually already like him. Might as well finish it because who leaves a drawing unfinished. After class I was still finishing until I felt a tap on my shoulder. Shit! I'm about to be caught. I turned to see who it was it was Y/n. "Hey you wanna hang out? Schools over now. Love the drawing," He said. 

I replied with, "Yeah sure. Your sister going to be with us too?" Y/n still had that love sick look in his eyes. He replied, "No, she's with her crush right now." I nodded and closed my notebook. If mom sees this she is going to question me. We walked out and talked. "Can we go to the park? It's nice out today. I do want to train too." I asked. He replied, "Yeah, I need to train as well. Creating things won't win every thing." 

We started walking to the park. When we got there I saw Y/n take off his shirt. I was staring because when I tell you he is fit, he is fit. He then said, "You like the view." He was slightly laughing when he saw me blush. I just rolled my eyes and took out my ear buds and put them on listening to music. 

Y/n's POV

I smiled a bit and took a picture because he was in his own world. I then grabbed my head phones and put them on. I put my music on pretty high volume, but it was just enough to still hear the outside. We both finished training. 

We were both sweaty and Bakugou finally took off his shirt. I made sure to get a picture before he noticed.  As we put our shirts back on we both stopped our music. He then said, "Hey, I have to go home soon. Moms worried." I replied, "Oh okay, well we can quickly get ice cream still?" He nodded and we both started talking about something  random. 

We got to the Ice cream cart and I got one scoop of f/f/i (favorite flavor of Ice cream) Bakugou got salted caramel scoop. When we got those we walked off and talked until we walked by my house. I said, "Bye this is my house get home safe~ Text me when you do." He replied, "Okay, I will." I sent the fly cam to watch him again. 

Momo greeted me and said, "Can I have a bite? I also think Jiro is on to me." I looked at he with the 'wtf' look and said, "Yeah you can have a bite, and watch out we can't be sent to the police. It would ruin our reputation." She took a bite and said, "Yea, I know. Now I have to be sneakier." 

Mom walked in saying, "So I heard you kids found someone. Also Momo please be more careful next time." We nodded and Momo said, "I will. You in the clear for now bro?" I said, "Yeah, but I think our natural love sick look will give us away eventually." Both mom and Momo nodded. Mom added, "Yes, but you two are smart, you can cover up." We give her the 'are you sure about that' look. She laughed and said, "Well its time for bed so get ready." We nodded both of us getting ready and sleeping. 

1008 words. Hope you enjoyed 

My Katsuki, and no one else's (Yandere male reader x Willing Katsuki Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now