Chapter 3: Congrats Man

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a/n Your at home and telling Momo what happened and all that. credits to the artist.


I was walking around the classroom helping Aizawa all day. I did take breaks from time to time sense I had my best friend, B/f/n (best friends name),  helping me out after the first class of the day. I did take breaks to check on my Blasty. I did check on my sis to sense they are both in the same class. Blasty seemed pissed when I came around. Not like 'get the fuck away you suck' more like 'I need time to process this shit'. It was quite amazing to see it. Momo had to motion for me to calm down my love sick look. 

time skip to the end of the day~

Me and Momo walked to hang at the mall for a bit before going home. "So any progress on getting with Katsuki?" Momo asked. I nodded and said, "He pulled me to the bathroom and pinned me. All because I was flirting with some girls. He confessed yada yada, We are boyfriends now." She clapped a little and said, "With how you are I thought it would take awhile but Blasty cut to the chase." I nodded as we both walked into the mall. 

Time skip to when you finished shopping and shit. 

We walked home laughing and talking. When we got home mom opened the door saying, "Welcome back home. How was school?" Me and Momo walked in the house taking our shoes off and placing our shopping bags down. "It was good, today I got lucky and get to be with my soul mate." I replied. She replied, "Oh that's good. Who confessed?" "Katsuki," I replied. She nodded in approval. "What about you darling?" She then asked Momo. Sis replied, "It was good, still didn't get mine so he wins on speed." Mom laughed then said, "Well eat dinner and go to bed or something sense there is no school tomorrow." 

332 words. Hope you enjoyed. Imagine whatever with the end idc. If you enjoy this please go check out my other stories and consider following me. 

My Katsuki, and no one else's (Yandere male reader x Willing Katsuki Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now