His Light In The Dark

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His Light In The Dark

Requested By LeviSkies (I hope you like this, the plot might be a bit different than what you asked for.)

Set before Kalos League Final

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon


In the dark of night when the moon hangs high in the sky, Ash was sitting on his bed, unable to sleep.

He looked around the room that he shared with his travelling companions and sighed.

Tomorrow, he would have to face Alain in the finals and he was anxious. Making it into the finals should've been a happy thing for him, it was his first after all. However, this brought him to acknowledge how he failed over the past few years. Never once had he made it past the semi-finals over his trainer career until now, while talented trainers like Red were already champions of their respective regions at his age.

He began to question himself, wondering would he ever become a Pokemon Master? His dreams? The fact he hasn't defeated Alain even once over their previous battles felt like a constant weight on his shoulders and it wasn't something he could escape.

Growing up, Ash didn't have the best childhood experiences. He didn't have a lot of friends due to his hyperactive nature, and couldn't find people willing to spend time with him despite how many times he tried. Gary was once his friend until one day their friendship just shattered and Gary bullied Ash with other kids, laughing at him for whatever reason they felt like it.

His relationship with Gary surely got better since Johto but words said sometimes cut deeper than expected, leaving scars. Those that hurt Ash the most were jokes about his dream, to become a Pokemon Master. Even some adults felt it was just a child's naive dream.

However, Ash's mother, Delia, was different. She had always believed in him, supporting him without hesitation despite the absence of a man in the house. Even if things went wrong, Delia never wavered in her love for Ash and would never let anything get to her son. All of her efforts only motivate Ash to continue and prove those who doubted him wrong.

Yet years later and here he is, still no wins after five leagues. He believes he disappointed his mother, the woman that he could always depend on, and most importantly, himself. Those who said he would never succeed were right...

He felt like he was living in a never ending cycle of failure. All those failures, all those setbacks... It was beginning to eat him away.

All these thoughts were giving him a headache as well as an overwhelming urge to run out and cry.

Ash didn't want to wake any of his travelling companions who were asleep after a long day. So, he crept carefully out of his bed and grabbed his jacket and shoes, before opening and closing the room door carefully and sneaking off into the dead of night.

However, a certain blonde who's a light sleeper was awakened by the slightest noise he made...


The moon was nearly full, bathing the world in a pale light. A gust of cold air blew against Ash's messy raven hair. He walked quietly until he found himself at a park lining the waterfront.

City lights reflected off of dark water and gave the whole scene a magical feel. As if everything around him had been put into slow motion for him. The waves crashed against its roots. A faint mist filled the air, creating a blanket over land and sea.

It didn't help however as his thoughts got the better of him. Grabbing the barrier tightly, Ash finally couldn't take it anymore as he shouted into the night, letting the wind carry his voice far away. His heart shattered into a million pieces as he relieved all those losses again. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he took in shaky breaths.

"Ash?" The familiar voice caused Ash to jerk back slightly and look behind him.

Gleaming Capri blue eyes filled with worries stared directly into his bistre ones. "What happened?" Serena's gentle hand rested upon Ash's shoulder.

Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, the raven-haired boy said, "I... Nothing, I'm fine. What are you doing here?" He tried to sound convincing but she wasn't fooled at all.

Serena frowned, "You woke me up when you tried to leave. Please, Ash, you can tell me anything, I'll be here for you," Her voice was soft and soothing like a warm lullaby.

Ash hesitated briefly then nodded his head. He didn't know why but hearing that from Serena made him feel safer, he knew she would never judge him no matter what he told her.

They both found a bench and sat down together.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," Ash whispered.

Serena smiled gently, "It's okay... So, what's bothering you?"

Ash bit his lip nervously, not knowing where to start... or how to express what was troubling him.

"Well," he started, "I'm scared, I'm scared of losing tomorrow."

Serena reached out and squeezed his hand comfortingly. "If you lose tomorrow, you can always try again! If you keep trying, you will make it! You always have so much potential Ash! You are going to become someone amazing!"

"You don't get it, Serena, I've already lost five leagues in a row..." Ash said, surprising her. Serena didn't know Ash was so experienced, or rather how painful it must've been to face failure time and time again.

"Each time that I lose... It feels like I'm failing my pokemon, my mom and myself... How am I supposed to become a Pokémon Master if I keep disappointing those supporting me like this?" Ash added, "Maybe they were right, maybe I'm just a stupid kid dreaming of something he isn't capable of..."

Tears began to well up in his eyes as they rolled down his cheeks like a river. Ash wiped the tears away furiously.

"Sorry, you shouldn't need to wake up to listen to this... You probably think I'm a failure as well huh?"

Serena who has been silent the whole time spoke up, "No, Ash. Don't say that. No one thinks that."

"But they do..." He replied, lowering his head.

Serena placed both of her hands on his head and forced him to look at her. "Ash, look at me." When he did, she continued, "You are so strong and determined Ash. I know you'll become a great Pokemon Master and if you keep working hard, you will too. You always manage to overcome all obstacles."

She smiled brightly and wiped off the tears occupying his eyes, "Never give up until it's over, right?"

Her warm smile was like a light that illuminated his cloudy mind, guiding him through the storm of negative thoughts.

Ash nodded his head, returning her bright smile. "Right!"

Serena stood up, extending her hand to him. "So, let's go get some sleep, alright?"

Under the twinkling stars that seemed to be calling them to come closer, she looked more beautiful than any star could compare.

As his hand clasped hers firmly, Ash felt reassured, he had someone he could rely on. Someone who would support him without question and who will never let him fall alone. With this knowledge, nothing else mattered except continuing forward.


Author's Note:

Finished watching the Azerbaijan GP and wrote this. Being a Ferrari fan is painful.

A bit short. Hope you enjoyed it, have a great day, point out my mistakes, and rate&review. Thanks!

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