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(bold and italics means that they're talking in the beach hut in private)

I grinned as the wind ruffled my hair, a warm breeze gracing my shoulders as the jeep approached the villa. I ignored the cameras which zoomed onto me, showing the British audience what I was wearing and the first look at who I was. Hopefully they'd like me. 

I walked into the villa, feigned confidence as I breathed in the smell of flowering blossoms. "Hey Girlies," I said, suddenly surrounded by girls. "I'm Belle," I took a breath in, overwhelmed as I was showered with compliments. "You are absolutely stunning babe." A beautiful girl smiled, pulling me in for a hug. "I'm Indiyah," She said lightly. "Oh, you have an eyelash, hold on," She giggled, her nails swiftly grasping the eyelash under my eye before blowing it away. "I'm Amber," Another girl hugged me, complimenting my figure. "Why thank you, your fashion sense is amazing," I told her as I looked at her stunning bikini. I gave a blonde girl a quick hug, introducing myself before being told her name was Tasha. 

"Your bikini is everything," Tasha told me, her hand on my shoulder. "Ugh, I love you girls already. The perfect hype women," I told them which caused a loud applaud from the girls around me. I was wearing a simple teal bikini with some sunglasses which rested on the bridge of my nose, disguising the freckles which had come out with the sun. 

"You are beautiful," A shorter girl told me, her strong Welsh accent making me squeal

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"You are beautiful," A shorter girl told me, her strong Welsh accent making me squeal. "Your Welsh?" I laughed, watching as her eyes widened. She grasped my hands and laughed, her laugh bubbly and sweet. "I'm Paige," She introduced herself as 24 and a paramedic. "No!" I chuckled, unbelievingly. "Yep, I'm from Swansea. Where are you from?" She asked and I went into detail about the small Welsh town I lived in. 

"So, what do you do?" Paige sat down next to me by the fire pit, a little way from the rest of the girls who were opening a bottle of prosecco. "Well, I'm a lawyer - preferably for defendants," I told her and she nodded, smiling at me. "That sounds exhausting," She giggled. "So, wat's life like at home," I asked her, smiling at Indiyah who brought over three glasses of prosecco and placed herself next to me on the seat. "Well I'm an only child, my parents are like my life support soI don't know what I'd do without them," Paige told me and I nodded, agreeing with her. "What about you Indiyah?" I turned to the girl who scoffed and took a quick gulp of alcohol making both Paige and I laugh. "I have three brother, all older. They are great but bully me every now and then," She laughed. "And you?" She directed her question at me. "I have two younger siblings, my 20 year old sister, Lillia and then my 15 year old brother, Will." 

"So girls, describe your type," Indiyah said, adjusting her sunglasses. "Oo, definitely tats," I started, lying my head on a cushion and stretching my tanned body into the sun. "And then really nice eyes has me on my knees," I joked, making Paige snort with laughter. "Maybe a little cheeky side, y'know banter," I told them with a laugh. "For sure," Indiyah continued. 

We kept the conversation breif, light chatter and banter filling the air before Tasha and Amber came to join us. "So, how long have you stunning girls been single?" Amber asked, sipping on her drink. "Oh God," I sat up, chugging half my drink which made all the girls burst into laughter. "About 3 years," I told them and Amber looked at me sympathetically. "I mean how the fuck does that happen?" Paige asked nobody in particular. We all giggled and I looked at her before saying, "Please marry me". Amber mentioned that she'd been single for a year and a half and Paige agreed. "About 4 years," Indiyah shrugged, making me throw one of Paige's flipflops at her. "No fucking way," I was baffled, but Indiyah confirmed it. I was shocked at how such a beautiful girl had been single for so long. 

"What are we all looking for?" I asked, directing my question at Tasha and Amber since I already knew Indiyah and Paige's answers. "Tall dark and handsome probably," Amber told us, looking down at her stereotypical answer. "Like, muscles and then a tan," Tasha told us and I agreed. "Amen to that," I chuckled making the girls laugh again. 

We kept bantering until Laura's voice echoed through the villa making me sit up quickly and Amber to squeal. "Hello, girls, how's the villa?" Laura asked, fiddling with the card she had in her hands. "Fabulous," Indiyah said, moving to give Laura a hug which she happily accepted. "Please could you all get in line, facing me?" Laura asked, smiling as we all got up. "Well girls, it's time to couple up, but things are a little different this year," Laura side-eyed me which made me look down in anxiousness. Paige put her hand on my shoulder in reassurance as she saw me anxiously picking the skin at the side of my thumbs. 

"So, you all thought you would step forward for the boys you fancy the most, right?" Laura smirked which made me look at the girls and nod. "Well, this year the public have played cupid and chosen the couples for you," Laura smiled which made us all look at her in disbelief. "No," I shook my head and laughed to which Laura replied with a "Yes".

"So, shall we start the coupling up process?" Laura asked and we all nodded in excitement and nervousness. Paige still didn't let go of my hand as Dami walked out, his obvious humorous personality shining through as he walked in, making me smile. He walked over, grinning as he was coupled up with Amber who seemed pleased. 

"Let's meet our next boy, Liam!" Laura gestured to the doorway where an attractive boy walked through the door. After Laura explained the new plot twist to the show, Liam looked around and made eye contact with me. "You are coupled up with... Belle!" Laura gestured to me and he smile walking over and putting his arm around my waist. "You're stunning," He told me and I felt a hot blush rising on my cheeks. "Not too bad yourself," I whispered back which made him chuckle quietly. 

Yeah I would say Liam does fit into 'my type'. He's got that wee twinkle in his eyes which - for me - is a sign he's a little cheeky and funny. And that's what I need, along with someone who's really caring and like, family orientated. 

After all the boys and girls were coupled up, Laura left which caused an awkward silence, soon filled by introductions between everyone. "Hiya, I'm Belle," I smiled at Liam, giving him a tight hug and a mischievous grin. "Liam," He laughed, sticking his tongue between his teeth lightly. He then left to meet everyone else, so I copied, giving Dami a little hug and bantering with him for a bit. "You did not!" I couldn't help but gasp as he introduced himself through an inappropriate story about himself. I already felt a sibling relationship between him and I, then same feeling reciprocated by Ikenna who came over and bantered with us as well. 

I then left the two to talk to Andrew and Tasha who seemed happy. "So, Andrew, how can I sell this beautiful girl to you," I gestured to Tasha and then looked at Andrew who stared at Tasha with hungry eyes. "She's already sold," He shrugged, pulling her into his chest which made her gasp and giggle. I just stood their awkwardly, Andrew giving me the ick. I turned with a dead straight face, making eye contact with Paige who burst out laughing, spitting out the water she had in her mouth. I then ran over to her, laughing as well which caused both of us to fall onto the daybed in fits of giggles. "Your face," She breathed out, her face going red with the lack of air she was getting. "What's happening here girls," Liam and Paige's partner came over. He had sparked my interest immediately because of his tattoos, his cheeky smile and the piercing bleu eyes he had. He held my gaze for a while, as Liam and him sat next to us. Paige was still laughing dramatically before she breathed in and out in a rush. "Paige here is a little bit silly and I think the prosecco's getting to me," I told them in between laughs. I had to explain how much of a lightweight I was which caused Liam to smile and place his arm around my waist. 

"Girls chat," Amber exclaimed and I laughed, dragging Paige to the fire pit where all the girls huddled in a bunch. 

ADORATION ~ LOVE ISLAND 2022Where stories live. Discover now