Welcome Foolish Mortals

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A gold mask was on my face it, was itchy but I couldn't take it off so I gave up trying. I was confused about how I had gotten here, I began to notice two doors were in front of me their dark wood reminded me of an old church. I could hear laughter and chatter behind the doors, I felt nervous but I didn't know why clinching my hands I look down to see a beautiful gold dress the fabric was soft and had lace on the bodice how had I got into this I don't even remember changing out of my pj's, something felt off here and I didn't know what loud creaking had brought my attention back the two large doors they opened up to a massive ballroom, the ballroom was bright and many people stood around gossiping and dancing now if this was any other situation I would have started to leave I wasn't a big fan of crowds or parties for that matter, you would hardly find me anywhere near them but I stayed my feet firmly planted on the floor, the nervous feeling never went away I felt sick my hands were sweating and my stomach was in knots. A man in red had caught my attention he stood by the stairs I don't know why but I felt calmer with him there " Hello" I said, but he just walked past me now that I think of it no one had even acknowledged that I was here, the feeling of being ignored was setting in. The man kept walking as if to put as much distance between me and him as possible.
I started to try and get someone to notice me I waved my hands in front of people's faces and even poked a few " Hello, anybody!" I yelled confused. The pretty ballroom wasn't so pretty anymore the nervous feeling turned to dread I wanted to leave, tears welled up in my eyes I don't know why I'm crying but I am and this stupid mask was itchy and I wanted to wipe my eyes unexpectedly the mask loosened quickly I took off the mask and sigh in content.

I felt so lost not knowing where I was the crowd wasn't helping either. " Winnie" sang a voice I knew that voice I have known that voice since I was a kid I looked for her my sister she was on the dance floor with the man in red, his black mask couldn't hide his happiness, for all the things I didn't know right now this topped the cake sobs racked my body. I wanted out of this horrible nightmare I ran through the ballroom doors but instead of a dark passageway that I was in before I was in a room with a desk, I whipped my tears from my face and closed my eyes I could have sworn that it was just a moment but when I open them I was seated at the desk with a red envelope in my hand, a name was on the envelope I tried to read it but it was blurry, I turned it around in my hand a gold seal with someone's initials on it, how had I have gotten this? I stood up from the desk putting the envelope on the desk, I whirled around to leave when I saw the man in red and a small scream escaped my mouth. He grabbed the letter, his face drained from all color his cry rang in my ears as he ran out, without a word to me. It felt like I was possessed my feet had a will of their own and ran after him. I chased him down some stairs and past guests, the heels made my feet sore, and the chiming of a clock made my head hurt, knowing that I probably shouldn't close my eyes the pain in my head said otherwise so clinching them shut I had gotten some relief, but that relief was short-lived when I opened them and was in another room. The man in red was sobbing over a body and by the looks of it, it appeared to be a woman. He held her close to him his tears wetting her hair this felt like an intimate moment I shouldn't be here, he picked her up bridal style and walked out of the room I followed not far behind him. I was hoping that this would be the last time I would ever see these two dark doors again, the ballroom went silent a scream broke through the crowd. The man in red was grieving, the black mask couldn't hide the fact that he was weeping. He walked slowly up the stairs this time I didn't follow but that didn't seem to make this dream stop moving forward, my vision blurred I could briefly see the man destroying his office rage overcame his features, and then in a flash, I saw the man in red hanging by a rope he had killed himself " Winnie" a voice whispered and I screamed.

Sunlight peaked through a window " aunt Winnie, mom says it's time to get up" my nephew whispered close to my face " I'm up, go tell her I'm up" I wack him away, oh great I'm late for work.

Words: 894

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