Chapter 8

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A/N: Quick warning for mentions of childhood abuse (including beatings and rape). Please, please do not read if it triggers you. There'll be a TL;DR at the end as usual.


(name) knew at once something was wrong. Somehow, they knew it had everything to do with Toshinori's fight. They were suddenly gripped with fear.

Enji turned to look at Toshinori. He was crouched at eye level with Shoto, Izuku, and Katsuki. He glanced up and nodded at the red-head.

"Alright kids," Toshinori told them. "I need to speak to Endeavor & (name) privately now."

While he was saying his goodbyes to the disappointed children, Enji gave Inko some money. He told her about an ice cream shop and park nearby. She seemed to realize that it was important because she said, "Why don't we go to the park? I'll get you something sweet! I'm sure you can talk to All Might later."

Toshi stood and allowed them to leave. Touya and his siblings looked at their parents. (name) gestured for them to follow. When the door closed behind them, the two pros walked to sit next to them; Toshinori on a chair and Enji on the bed with them.

"That Bakugo kid sure is confident," the blond said. "Maybe too much. He kept bullying Midoriya for being Quirkless."

"Did you talk to him?" (name) asked. "I was going to ask you to straighten him out."

"I told him heroes needed to be kind & compassionate as well as fierce," he replied. "I don't know how much it'll help."

"Anyway, you look like shit." They looked over him.

His head was wrapped in a bandage. So were his arms. They were willing to bet there was more underneath his gown.

Toshinori chuckled. "And I feel like it, too. I guess I should get to explaining."

And explain he did.

He found All For One right were his sources said: in a warehouse in Hokkaido. He got lucky with a sneak attack. After fighting for nearly twelve hours, Toshinori finally got the upper hand. He defeated all the Nomu & dealt the final blow to All For One.

While he was waiting for police and EMTs, he was leaning against a wall. He noticed a boy looking at him from behind a crate. He had wide fearful eyes. Toshinori coaxed him closer and got some information out of him.

His real name was Shimura Tenko, but All For One changed it to Shigaraki Tomura when he adopted him. AFO was training him to steal One For All & kill All Might. Tomura didn't want that, though.

The kid described to him about life before AFO. He told him about how he accidentally killed his family. He wanted to be a hero like is grandmother. That was the main reason AFO abused him.

When Toshinori tried to talk about the abuse, the boy in the corner began to sob. "It's alright, Tomura. He can't touch you anymore. Come here."

Tomura walked slowly over to him. He was pulled into a gentle embrace. The blond went on explaining, skipping the abuse this time.

"Despite winning, I took a lot of damage. I've probably only got about 10 years left with One For All. I'll need to start looking for someone to pass it on to."

(name) was still trying to process everything. "What are you going to do in the meantime?"

"I don't know. I'll definitely need a break, but I don't know if I can."

"Which brings us into the picture," Enji spoke up for the first time. "Toshinori is going to have a few more surgeries. Then, he's taking a few months off whether he likes it or not."


But the red-head hushed him. "You need and deserve a break. Anyway, I'd like him to stay with us during recovery. I know it's sudden-"

"Of course," (name) interrupted. "Toshi is family. He's always welcome. What's going to happen to Tomura?" They watched him cuddle closer to the hero. They felt a sudden urge to protect him.

"I plan on adopting him," Toshinori answered. He rubbed Tomura's back slowly. "But where he'll be while I'm in the hospital..."

"I think he should stay with us as well." Enji's voice was firm. "Only we know about him and everything involved with All For One and One For All. It's the safest option in my opinion."

"That's okay with me." (name) turned to address the kid. "How do you feel about all this, Tomura?"

"It's a little scary," he mumbled, "but anything is better than him..." he shuddered. "What about my quirk? I don't want to hurt anyone else."

"What is it?"

He pulled a napkin out of his pocket. Tomura held it in his palm before closing his hand. It disintegrated before their eyes. He wiped his hand on his pants.

"We'll get you some special gloves," Toshinori promised.

They continued to talk for a while until a nurse entered. He told Toshinori that he needed to go to his room; they needed to prep him for his next surgery. Tomura would stay with the Todorokis that night.

When he left, the boy started to cry again. He broke down and described what All For One did to him. The beatings, the rape, everything. They held him carefully. He fell asleep curled up in (name)'s lap. Enji gingerly picked him up and laid him on the couch.

The couple didn't talk for a little bit. The pro returned to his spot next to them. They pulled him into a kiss. He held them gently.

"(name), I don't know how long they'll be living with us," Enji warned. He nuzzled their neck and gave them a soft kiss there.

"Sweetheart, Toshi is a wonderful house guest; he's helpful, he cleans up after himself, and he adores the kids." They stroked his back. "As for'll be difficult for him to adjust. That's a given. We'll need to be gentle with him."

He didn't respond. The two kissed and cuddled. They spoke in hushed voices about everything that's happened since Hana kidnapped them. Enji told them about the Yamamotos' childhood. (name) cried when they realized that they & Midoriya could have been killed.

The kids and Inko entered a few hours later. They were chatting happily. The couple only now saw how late it was. They didn't pay much attention to Tomura.

"Where's All Might?" Bakugo asked as the door shut.

"He's in surgery," Enji told them. "I don't know when he'll be out." He stood and stretched.

Tomura had woke up as they talked. He was glancing around and scratching his neck.. He looked terrified.

"I think it's about time Izuku, Katsuki, and I go home," Inko said. "We all need some sleep, and I'm sure you want some family time."

Midoriya gave (name) & Enji tight hugs. He seemed hesitant. "Will I ever see you again?"

"We can have play dates, right Dad?" Shoto had crawled into his father's lap. "They can come over, right?"

"I'm fine with that," Enji replied. "I think that we should wait a little bit though. That way, things can get back to normal."

Inko agreed. They exchanged phone numbers, then the three left.

(name) finally introduced Tomura. They briefly explained the situation, excluding his abusive past. The kids were thrilled to have another kid in the house.

Since Tomura was sleeping with them, the nurses brought in a last cot. After showering and changing clothes, they fell asleep.


TL;DR: The kids and Inko go get ice cream and go to the park. Toshinori talks about his fight with AFO. He plans on adopting Tomura. The two will leave at the Todoroki manor while he's in recovery. Tomura describes the abuse when Toshinori leaves to prep for another surgery. The kids and Inko return. They promise play dates for Shoto, Midoriya, and Bakugo. Bakugo and the Midoriyas leave. Tomura is introduced. The seven shower and go to sleep.

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