Chapter 13

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About 10 minutes later, we're all out on the basketball court by the house. Shelby and I are playing one-on-one against each other, and Michael is announcing the game. Right now, I'm beating Shelby 2-7;I only need one more point to go. "Ok," Michael announced, "Carly is holding the ball with Shelby right in front of her.

"She dribbles the ball, trying to go around Shelby, but Shelby steals the ball! Carly blocks her and smacks the ball right out of her hand. She dribbles right in front of the hoop. She shoots, she scores! Carly Mendez has won the game!"

"Oh yeah!" I screamed, "Who's bad now, Shelby? Huh? Huh? I am, because I'm beast!"

I started running, but then I tripped and fell. "Ow! Oh my God! Ow!" I cried. Michael and Shelby both ran up to me.

"Oh my God, Carly!" Michael exclaimed, "Are you okay?" "Um, I don't know. I think I sprained my ankle," I answered. "Do you think you can get up?" he asked.

"I'll try," I said. I tried getting up on my hurt ankle. "Oww!" I cried and fell back down. "Well, I guess it really is sprained," Shelby said. "Yeah," I said.

"We should get her inside," Michael said. "Yeah," Shelby agreed. "Ok, Shelby, get Carly on my back," Michael instructed. "Ok, what is this, Twilight?" Shelby giggled. "What's Twilight?" Michael asked.

"Forget about that," I said, "Help me." Shelby boosted me up on Michael's back, and I blushed. "Oh, Carly, he's giving you a piggyback ride," Shelby teased. I heard Michael laugh, and I started feeling tired, so I fell asleep.
30 minutes later, I woke up on the living room couch with my leg on a pillow. Michael and Shelby are watching Spongebob on the television. Awwww, that's cute! Michael actually enjoys watching Spongebob! Michael looked at me and smiled.

"Hey, Sleepyhead," Michael said, "How are you feeling?" "Good," I answered, "You guys watching Spongebob?" Michael laughs and says, "Yeah."

"I think that's cute," I said, "Spongebob reminds me exactly of you." "Yeah, I think so, too," Michael said and smiled. I nearly died from his smile! "Did my mom already know about my sprained ankle?" I asked.

"Yeah," Shelby said, "We told her as soon as we came inside." "Ok," I said. "Oh, I need to tell you something," she said. "Ok, what?" I asked.

"Well, you know David Rodriguez, right?" Shelby asked. "Yeah," I answered, "Why?" "Well, like five minutes ago, he came here," she said. "Oh my God," I said, "Where is he now?"

"He's in the bathroom," she answered. "Did he find out about Michael?" I asked, "He's not even wearing his disguise!" "He saw Michael, but I told him he's just seeing things. I don't think he believes me, though," Shelby said.

"Oh man....." I said. About a minute later, David came in the living room. You see, David and I have been good friends since 3rd grade, and though I see him more times at school, I consider him like a brother to me. "Hi, Carly," he greeted me. "Hey," I greeted back.

David looks at my ankle and says, "What happened to your ankle?" "Oh, I just sprained it playing basketball," I replied. "With who?" he asked, "Shelby and, oh, I don't know, Michael Jackson?" Michael, Shelby, and I exchanged looks. "C'mon, Carly," he said, "I know it's really him. You can at least tell the truth."

"Just tell him," Shelby said, "He's gonna find out someday." I sighed and said, "Yes, it's really Michael Jackson." "He died almost six years ago," said David, "How is he here?"

"I think we have something you should know," I said. We all explained to him everything he needed to know about how the Michael doll turned to life and how Michael first turned into a doll. "So, you're telling me that some wizard turned Michael into a doll, and years later, you turned him to life?" David asked. "Exactly," I said. "Ok, I believe you," he said.

"Ok," I said. "I'll be right back," Michael said. He went upstairs to my bedroom. Five minutes later, he came back with his disguise on. "Oooooo, cozy," he said.

David, Shelby, and I all laughed. Mom then came in the living room. "Ok, so I just made an appointment for Carly's ankle, which starts in half an hour, so let's go, all of you," said Mom. "Ok, Mom," I said. Michael and Shelby helped me up, and Michael got me on his back again. We all got out of the house and into the car.

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