Chapter 16

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I opened my closet, and I saw Conrad Murray, the doctor that stalks me everyday! "Hello, Carly," he said in a creepy way. "How did you get in my house?" I asked. "I climbed in your window," he answered. "You better get out right now before I call the cops," I threatened.

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," he said. "Why?" I asked. "Because you're just a child," he said, "They won't believe you." "Not unless I'm more confident," I said.

"Oh, I'll get you so scared, you wouldn't tell anybody," he said and started touching me.
~Michael's P.O.V.~
Carly's cousins and I are watching TV. We've been waiting for Carly for about 10 minutes now. I got up and said, "I have to see what's taking Carly so long." I went upstairs, and when I got to her bedroom door, I heard Carly screaming. Oh my God, I thought, Carly's in trouble!

I opened the door and saw someone trying to mercifully rape Carly. "Michael, help me!" Carly screamed, "That's the doctor that's been stalking me!" I saw her, and she had a black eye and bruised face! "Get off her!" I screamed.

I tried grabbing the doctor, but he's too strong.
~Normal P.O.V.~
I saw Michael trying to get a hold of Murray. "Carly, go!" Michael yelled, "Call the cops!" I ran out of the room to find Mom. "Mom! Mom!" I called.

I saw her in the kitchen. "What is it?" Mom asked and then looked at me. "Oh my God! What happened to your face?" "Remember that doctor I had when I hurt my ankle months ago?" I asked.

"Yeah," she answered, "Why?" "Well, he climbed through my window and tried to rape me," I explained. "Oh my God! Where's Michael?" Mom asked.

"In my room grabbing a hold on the doctor," I answered. "Well, I'll notify the police," she said. "Thank you, Mom," I said. I went up to my room, but I don't see Murray, and Michael is on the floor. "Michael, what happened?" I asked.

"The doctor pushed me down and escaped through the window," he explained, "Did you call the police?" "Mom's calling right now," I answered. "Ok, good," he said. Mom came in my room and asked, "Where is he?"

"He escaped," I said. "Well, I already called the police," she said, "They said they'll find him as soon as possible." "Ok," I said. "Are you okay, Carly?" Michael asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "What are we gonna do about all those bruises on your face?" Mom asked. "Don't worry, Mom," I assured her, "They'll heal." We went downstairs.

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