Chapter Twenty Four: A Promise Behind The Mask

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After a meeting with the Emperor went sour at the end, Raiden was never seen again for a month which worried Wenji. at the same time Cao Zhang started to harrass her for denying each proposal he made. At Fan Castle she entered the residence and walked into the room Raiden once lived in is empty.

???: "he was recalled to duty since a planet came back to our Sol System." She turn to Ikora who walk.
Cai Wenji: "Ikora, i... i did everything i can... im so sorry i couldn't-"
Ikora Rey: "relax it is not your fault, those who want to harm Raiden want him to cross the line."
Cai Wenji: "im... since he left, Cao Zhang wouldn't leave me alone."
Ikora Rey: "does he know?" she answer with a nod.
Cai Wenji: "it's not enough to stop him and... im scared, i can barely sleep at night fear of being..."
Ikora Rey: "don't be afraid, i will speak to Cao Cao to see what we can do to solve this situation."
Cai Wenji: "thank you Madam."
Ikora Rey: "and one more thing, i have something and i want you to give him..."

Raiden POV

After getting an urgent message from Zavala, The Guardian travel back to Fan Castle to meet with Cao Cao waiting for him outside in a pavilion where a table is set with wine served.
Cao Cao: "Welcome back Guardian, how are you?"
Raiden: "questionable, nearly drowned in Methane Sea, i was told to meet you here about something."
Cao Cao: "it is about Madam Yan."
Raiden: "her... what about her?"

Cao Cao picked up a cup of wine and stood up to approach the edge to stare at the sunset.
Cao Cao: "when i was a young man i met her father, an intellectual who tought Emperor Xian and his older brother when they were children, when Dong Zhuo took control of the Han Court he has no choice and knowing the Tyrant's desires... Master Cai did it in order to protect his daughter, Wenji... he was executed shortly after Dong Zhuo's assassination and she was held captive by The Xiongnu during half of her adult youth... it took me a fortune to have her return home... or what she has left." he looked at Raiden still on his seat.
Cao Cao: "she has been in a marriageable age but i can't find her a suitable man to marry off to... until now."
Raiden: "why im i here?"
Cao Cao: "i and Ikora agreed... to arrange a Marriage between you and Wenji." he suddenly jumped from his seat and stared at him.
Raiden: "bullshit!"

Cao Cao: "Guardian i don't joke about serious things like this, especially with Zhang who is trying for her hand in marriage, he is desperate to add her to his harem."

Raiden: "why not let him?"
Cao Cao: "he may be the best and skilled warrior but she doesn't feel safe around him, especially when there will be competition within his Harem, it will be a very bad decision and a bad look in the family."
Raiden: "didn't he already do that?"
Cao Cao: "i am trying my best, please take this offer and help her."

The Guardian sat back down tapping his feet to the floor until he sighs.
Raiden: "fuck... fine."
Cao Cao: "thank you, Guardian... get... get... a doctor-" All the sudden Cao Cao drop his cup and fell as Raiden rush to his side seeing his eyes roll back while his body is shaking uncontrollably.
Raiden: "hey what the f-, hey- don't you dare-" he managed to pry Cao's mouth open and kept it open using his fingers as Dubs appeared.
Raiden: "get a doctor here!"

Later inside the residence Raiden lean against the wall near Cao Cao's room as Cao Pi and Zhenji rush after hearing what happened.
Cao Pi: "what did you do to my father?"
Raiden: "who the hell do you think coming at me with that accusation?"
Cao Pi: "first you try to kill Zhang and now your going after my father?"
Raiden: "your uncle and your brother are the most abnacious human beings i ever met, if you want to be part of that mixture be my guess."
Cao Pi: "i should've finish you off when we met for the first time."
Raiden: "you have a chance right now to do that."
Dublin and Zhenji saw The Guardian charge his right hand in Arc energy they immediately goes between the two before it escalates.
Zhenji: "both of you enough now it's not the time for this unwanted behavior."
Dubs: "she's right don't take this too far."
Cao Pi realize what he did and correct his errors and Raiden dissolve his Arc energy.
Cao Pi: "i apologize."
Raiden: "you're one of the ten sorriest things i ever talked to."

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