Nice to meet you.

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Aríyonna POV-

It's been three days since me and Daniel said our goodbyes to Namjoo at the airport, She is so sweet reminds me of my little sister I can't wait for the two to meet. I sat in a off chair, Daniel had in his apartment it faced the window, the changing of the leaves looks beautiful. I turned to watch Daniel nervously check over a list he had created for this camping trip seeing this look on his face caused me to giggle a bit. "what is it?" Daniel said facing me face field with curiosity. "Nothing you look like a mother sending her child on her first field trip, calm down. what we don't have I'm sure your friends will have." I said walking towards him and removing the list from his hands. Walking to Daniels room to the shower I felt Daniels hands softly graze my hip and with in seconds I was turned facing him. "Daniel what are you doing?" I asked when my breath returned to me "Aríyonna" is all that he said, his voice was low in pitch. His lips connected with my neck, lifting me he carried me to his room. "Daniel, wait what is all of this?" I didn't understand his action 'did I turn him on some way? "Aríyonna, do you want to move in together?" "move in together?" I repeated. Daniel continued "you spend most of your nights here anyways and I like coming home and knowing that your here waiting on me" he ended nervously. I thought that was cute, hearing this made me smile and what he said we true I also hated being in my apartment alone and I can save alot more money. "Sure, we can start moving my things after the trip."
relief was expressed on his face; I showered and changed into some comfortable sweats "are you ready?" Daniel asked excitedly, he must really be happy to introduce me to his friends I do admit am a little nervous I want to make a good impression on our first meet. In the car the closer we got to the camp site Daniel tried to calm my nervous "these guys are like family I known them for along time, don't worry their going to love as much as I do, trust me." he reassured me placing his hand on mine. the October skies are clear the wearther is amazing, when we arrived to the camp site everyone was almost finish setting up their was 3 guys and 2 girls everyone look so happy and comfortable around each other. "Daniels here!!" One of the girls yelled running to hug him and everyone followed greeting us one by one "hey! everyone this is Aríyonna my girlfriend" Daniel said with smiles holding my hand, everyone replied "oooooh Daniel has a girlfriend" than breaking in laughter teasing him. One of the girls turned to me and said don't worry we're just teasing him, you're the first girl he has ever introduced us to. Another followed say "Congrats girl" with laughter she continued "My names K.C. and this girl right here is Sooyou" pointing to the other girl. "nice to meet you guys" I said with a smile they seemed pretty cool, out going the opposite of Daniels everyday business ways "you wanna go for a walk and let the guys finish setting up" Sooyou offered "sure" so the three of us went on a to the lake, they shared many stories with me about how they met Daniel and embarrassing moments they had with Daniel, the way we talked you would think we have known each other for along time. "you know what ArÍ?" K.C. said hrabbing my attention "I see why Daniel fell for you, you seem like a genuine person it's something about you that screams sweet" hearing this caused me to laugh a bit, she sounds like Daniel. We headed back to the camp site.

Daniels POV-
I wonder where the girls go? " hey guys, I have a question?" "what is it bro" Travis said digging the last of the grill pieces from his truck. "Come here?" I said waving Kai and Chase over as well "I'm ready to give this to Aríyonna" "Really dude? you've been talking about this for a month" Kai said with a smile on his face. "yeah I know" "well I'm happy, your happy I like her she seems dope" Chase said slapping my hand. "here they come" Travis  said as the girls walked up to the camping area. "let's make this dinner guys" I said "yeah!" everyone shouted in agreement.

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