How Do I Tell Him?

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Aríyonna POV~

6:00AM Daniel looks beautiful sleeping, I never thought that I would be waking up to a man as wonderful as him. Although I would love to stay in bed and enjoy this view I have some work to do. Going to the restroom I felt a little woozy and out of it 'what is this?, I might be coming down with a bug or something. This hot shower will do me some justice; All I can think about is Daniel and last night. After a shower I headed to the office to check on some orders for my flower shop; Daniel was still a sleep, so I did some looking around before going into the kitchen for something to eat.
I made some oatmeal and dried strawberries and as fast as I ate it I threw it up. This can't be, I called my sister. "Hey Sis! Goodmorning, why are you calling so~ early haha I was sleeping you know." "Sorry Mina, but I think. I mean I'm not sure huh I don't know." Confused and full of mixed emotions I didn't know how to begin to tell Mina what is going on in my head. The phone conversation between us grew silent for a few minutes; it sounded as if Mina was sitting up in bed. "Aríyonna... OMG hold up. Are you prego?" Mina said in a calm but shock cracked tone. I folded myself in a chair facing window and sighed "I'm not sure but this morning fills a little off, I don't know what to do?" "hey we can go see if you want, will you tell him?" "who? Daniel, I don't think I can. I mean how can I..." The sound of Daniel entering the room startled me "hey Mina I'll call you back okay" I said quietly before hanging up the phone. "Goodmorning. was that your sister?" Daniel said rubbing my head "yes it was; did you sleep well last night?" I asked. Leaning on the kitchen counter with a smile "It was okay" he said pouring himself a cup of orange juice. "Okay. that's it?" I followed soon after, Daniel knows how to provoke me and I can tell that's where this conversation was going. I played along though.

Later that evening

Daniel had work today so getting away was easy. I went to my sister house, she had already purchased the test for me. I've never been so~ nervous walking up to her front door and before I can even knock she was at the door. "what took so long" she said pulling me into the house. We had some small talk and I told her about everything that has happened since her visit. "Oh My God" she said placing her hands over her mouth before letting out a scream of joy. "we are keeping it; he is in love with you, what are you so worried about" mina said bouncing up and down with all smiles. "hold up we haven't even taken the test yet. chill."
After taking the pregnancy test we waited for what felt like hours. I couldn't even look at the results "here Mina you look at it" I said one hand covering my eyes and the other handing her the stick. "Oh My God ArÍ" Mina said softly "you're pregnant" In shock and in disbelief I snatched the stick for her hand, she was right the test read positive. Running my fingers through my hair, walking back and forth in Mina's livingroom. Mina watched my body, she can tell I was worried. She stepping in front of me snapping me back to reality and with her hamd on my shoulder "Arí calm down everythings going to be ok, we will figure things out" she whipped my face, tears had fallen from my eye without my control I didn't know what to do or how to feel. All I could do was cry. I stayed over Mina's house for a while longer to clear my head. I didn't want Daniel to get worried, he can read me like a book and this is something I'm not ready to tell him. I don't know what I am going to do actually. "Get some rest and call me tomorrow okay" Mina said hugging me "I will and please don't tell anyone. okay." "sure love bye" and with that I was on my way home.
I arrived to my house around 9:30pm Daniels car wasn't in the drive way, so I was relieved I can shower and calm my nervous some more. I felt tense coming back to the house. After showering I made a chicken salad, sitting on the couch I watched some episodes of The Twightlight Zone. It was now 11:54pm and Daniel isn't in yet I was worried so I called him. "hey babe. did you miss me?" He said I was happy to hear his voice the sameone I have been avoiding allday. "Aríyonna are you there?" "Oh. yes baby I just missed your voice. I haven't heard from you allday" "work was crazy busy, but I'm just finishing up I'll be home in a little. Love you." "love you too I replied before hanging up the phone. Before heading to bed I reached into my bag and looked at the test results once again. I still can't believe it says positive. I place it in my lock box on the closet shelf and headed to bed. I felt Daniel getting into bed I looked at the time of the clock 1:30am. "what time did you get in?" I asked wrapping my arms around him "a few minutes ago, did I wake you?" "no it's okay I wasn't really sleeping well" "Is something wrong?" Daniel said lifting my face to meet his and my heart dropped. "n- no I just sleep better with you, let's get some sleep babe. I kissed him on the cheek "night Arí."

(Aríyonna's inner thoughts)
When should I tell him?
Should I tell him?
How would Daniel feel?
Should I keep it?

*Sorry for the late update I've been mad busy with school, I will try to update more often.

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