Chapter 4

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Everyone climbed into John B's minivan, and we headed off for the beach, talking and laughing the whole way.

"Last one down to the beach is a rotten egg!" John B yelled whilst everyone chased after him. However, I stayed by the van, as I still hadn't changed yet.

"So, are you gonna head down to the water or am I gonna have to make you?" A voice sounded behind me

"Jesus Christ" I jumped backwards, my heart skipped a beat. Turning around, I saw JJ leaning against the van wearing nothing but his light blue swimming trunks. I gulped.

"I'm not that scary am I?" His blue eyes danced with humour. "What are you still doing here anyway?"

"Well, I was just about to follow the others, you know...until you gave me a heart attack"

"A heart attack? Now that's a bit dramatic, wouldn't you say thief?"

"Oh come on, thief? Out of all the nicknames in the world and you decide to call me thief?"

"Well you were the one who was sneaking around my house"

"I wasn't sneaking"

"Whatever you say...thief"

"Oh blah blah blah"

"Maybe if you beat me at surfing, I'll consider calling you something different"

"Deal you're on. I just gotta change first" I walked to the back of the van and took off my top and shorts, exposing my black bikini and tanned skin underneath. Throwing them inside, I walked back round to JJ. "Okay now I'm ready" He looked at me up and down, almost like he was lost in thought. I felt my face flush. "Come on then we don't have all day" I giggled, running pass him with my surfboard and down towards the beach. "I can't wait to kick your ass"

"In your dreams thief" He yelled running after me

The sun shone down brightly on the water, painting the waves gold. I stopped running just before the water got too deep, feeling the warm waves crash against my legs. Staring out into the distance, I let the memories of the last time I was at this beach come pouring back. It seemed like it was yesterday.

"What's wrong, have you finally come to the realisation that I'm gonna beat you?" JJ said next to me

"Yeah you wish" I replied "Its just uh...that the waters kinda cold"

"Alright, I can help with that" He started walking towards me

"Wait what do you-" But before I could finish my sentence, JJ put one arm underneath my legs and lifted me up, carrying me full bridal style into the water. "Oh my God JJ what are you doing" I wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders, not wanting to touch the water.

"Well, I said I'd teach you how to surf" His deep voice whispered so close to my ear, that I felt the warmth of his words against my neck. He turned his head towards me, I froze under his intense stare. "and part of that lesson is dealing with the cold water"

"If you drop me I swear I'll-" But it was too late. JJ, whilst still holding onto me, dunked us both into the water.

"Oh I'll get you back for that" I laughed playfully whilst splashing water at him.

"Hey you two, are you gonna join us or what" Pope called from further out, sitting on his surf board with the others.

"On our way!" I yelled back. It was only then that I realised JJ was still holding me in the water. The realisation caused my breath to catch in my lungs. I quickly pushed back from his arms, remembering that I had a boyfriend. If Rafe saw this, I think he would kill me. No that's a lie, I know he would kill me, and right now I am too young to die. Swimming away from JJ, I scrambled onto my paddle board, yet somehow, I kept falling off

His Sweet Obsession ~ Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now