Chapter 5 - Secret's and Betrayal

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!!⚠Grammatical & Typographical ‡Error's ahead⚠!!‡


Everything was going well when i was dating Jisung secretly but just like any story would be, it won't be fun if there's no challenges and thrills

Although if that thrill was gonna tear us apart I'd rather have our relationship boring than face all that, but i couldn't do anything if it's destiny that I'm fighting against

As we promised to each other we kept our relationship a secret to everyone even the closest to us because just like Jisung said not everyone could accept us

It was all going smoothly but rumors started spreading and it made us worried and frightened that they might found out everything especially Jisung

I didn't give a f*ck about what other people might say to me but i couldn't bare Jisung getting hurt by them and say bad things to him because i might loose my shit if they did

He's still a bit sensitive about how people see him and what they might say to him and that's one opposite thing of me because i really don't care what people say

All i really cared about was Han and if staying silent was the answer so he won't get hurt I'd do it and I'll do everything to protect him even if that means doing things that might hurt me in the future

But it's all too little and not even enough to keep him safe because i can't always be there to protect him even if i wanted to there are times where he has to fight alone

And all i could do is stay beside him and support him no matter what because i can't force myself in to fight for him, he has to do it himself or he'll get hurt

But as much as that, I'll do everything i can to protect him and keep him safe because i love him too much to loose him

I just ignored those rumors but tried my best so that it won't reach Hannie because i know he'll just start to worry and he might do things without thinking

I can't let that happen although i hate hiding secrets to him, I'd do anything to keep him safe even if that meant not telling him the truth

Days have gone by and the rumors started dissipating, I'm glad it did although there are still some tiny bits of it around

I just spent the rest of my days normally in school and try my best not to touch Hannie too much in public because i know somewhere someone was keeping their eyes on us just like a predator preying on us

Waiting for us to make a mistake and spread some meaningless rumors to destroy us, the eyes of judging people who doesn't even know anything about us but is ready to attack

Lee know hyung! What should we get for lunch?

Hmm... Anything is fine!

That's so blunt, don't you like anything in specific?

Hmm nah! I'll just get what you'll have

Hmn okay!

We we're currently in the cafeteria as he rushed to the counter getting us lunch while i go find us a table

Minho oppa! Are you alone? Where's Jisung oppa?

Remi suddenly appeared out of nowhere and jumped in front of me asking where Hannie was

Oh Remi you're here! he went to get us lunch!

Oh really? then I'll tell him to get me some too

Oh Okay!

She also rushed out following where Han went as i sat to one of the chairs and stared at them from afar

As usual Remi always looks happy and cheerful whenever she sees Han and i find them really adorable as they tease each other

It never really bothered me that Remi is close with Han because i know they treat each other like siblings and i do too but it's a little disappointing that we can't tell Remi

She's a little younger than us so she might not understand and i know Han loves her that's why he'd rather not tell her, thingking about it i felt a little guilty

I'm doing the same with Han and I'm keeping secrets from him, secrets he doesn't need to know

After that they walked towards my direction while Han was holding two trays of food and i immediately took it and placed it on the table

Hmm... That's weird you two are so intimate with each other these days

Remi said sending a worried look on Han's face as he stared at me with a little nervous expression

What are you talking about we're always friendly with each other

I replied and sat on my chair while i remove our bags on the table and put them somewhere else

Maybe I'm thinking too much, it's just these days you two seems more closer than before... Did something happen that i don't know about?

Before i could speak again Han coughed his water spitting it out, i guess he really was nervous and surprised

Nothing happened! And besides we've been friends for a long time so it's not much if we're too close right?

Hmm... Well you're right oppa! I'm sorry for making a fuss about it...

Naah! it's okay

She finally smiled and started eating her food and i signalled Han that it was okay and he then smiled at me with a relieved look

After lunch we went back to out afternoon classes and Remi went back to her class too she's studying in the other building opposite of ours but she'd always come to eat lunch with us

We're you worried?” I asked him as we we're walking across the halls

A little... I'm glad you we're there hyung because i really don't know what I'd say to her

I wanted to hug him but i held back and just smiled at him


When the day was over in the blink of an eye everything seems to be a blur as i was day dreaming

I was just lying in my bed staring at the ceiling, i actually wanted to stay at Hannie's place again but i have to also let myself get used to being away from him

I'm still a bit frustrated though because i already miss him so bad and i want to touch him again, i wanna kiss him but i should hold myself back

And maybe the tiredness swallowed me without noticing i fell asleep


Morning came in a blink of an eye i walked down my room to eat breakfast as i stretched my arms up

Ahh! Finally it's Friday and i can oversleep tommorow

I immediately took a shower in my bathroom and after that i went to the kitchen

I made myself a cup of coffee and placed bread on the toaster as i stared at the empty room

It's so lonely without Jisung i feel like time was ticking too slowly without him, and whenever I'm with him i feel like time is ticking too fast

After eating breakfast i changed into my uniform and walked out of my place to wait for Jisung in the buss stop

I was all smiles, i couldn't wait to see him although i just saw him yesterday

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