Chapter 3

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Football addiction

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Football addiction

When you're apart of a team, you practically run the school hallways especially when you're on the football team.

Isaac's whole life has always been about football. He watches every game when his favourite team play, the Panthers. The boy picks up on the littlest and silly mistakes when he watches other peoples games as well, but those are the things his picked up on and learnt how to do from a young age.

Drake's best friend is also apart of the football team, Jordan the team captain. Jordan's father, Billy Baker was a formal NFL player and is now their Eagles coach. He has always been some sort of father figure to the boy, whenever a games on? They sit in and order pizza and during family dinners? They only speak about football. Billy often shares his experiences, regrets and how he made it to the NFL to the two boys. His sister, Camilla even speaks about football, it's like an addiction.

Football is Isaac's addiction.

It was lunch break at Beverly High and the friend group always sit in the same place. They sit on the cemented stairs across the field. No one else sits here, they've all been sitting there since freshmen year and now their seniors. Their lunch spot is like their own turf.

Isaac stood right in front of the blonde boy, JJ Parker handing him the money he owned "here's your fifty dollars JJ." Everyone laughed at the scene in front of them and when JJ raised his arms in the air with the money in the sun to check if it was fake. "It's real JJ, the money is real."

"Just needed to make sure but thank you, your team sucks." JJ put the fifty dollars in his back pocket quickly so no one could snatch it away from him.

"Yeah, now use that fifty dollars to get us some new milk, since you decided to swap your clumpy out of date one with ours." Camilla spoke from behind. Everyone looked at her then to JJ with confusion. "It's JJ, he does weird things."

Jordan walks up to the group with a unfamiliar face next to him, causing everyone to stop the chatter and look at him. "Ok, and who's this dude?" Isaac said with a dry, annoyed tone earning a small nudge on his side from Layla. The boy placed his hand where she "hurt" him and looked at her as if she just shot him "ouch" he said while rubbing his side.

The Keating girl giggled "oh shut up." She looked towards the boy and spoke, "I'm Layla Keating and the boy next to me is Isaac Drake, the loser" giving the boy next to Jordan a soft smile and he returns it. Isaac falls back on her to lay on her lap closing his eyes.

"Well, this is Spencer James. He transferred to Beverly from Crenshaw to play football on our team." All the boys and girls sitting welcomed him and gave him sincere smiles, but according to Asher Adams, Layla was to welcoming.

The girl moved Isaac's head from her lap causing the boy to sit up and she got up from sitting in between him and Asher. She went and sat on the top stairs, sitting next to Spencer who was sitting next to Camilla and she was sitting next to Jordan. "Oh let me introduce you to everyone in the group properly! I'm Layla Keating, student president. On your left is Camilla Drake, the boy in front of her is her twin Isaac who is also on the football team.-"

She got cut off from Isaac, "only the best footy player on the team." Earning laughs and small punches from the boys.

Layla carried on with what she was saying, "Next to Camilla, you already know, Jordan Baker. JJ Parker and my boyfriend Asher Adams, who plays receiver."

"Oh dope, I play receiver too" Spencer stated earning a glare from Asher. Which didn't pass Isaac, he noticed right away the harsh glare he was sending.

"Cool" he replied.

"Well, all we talk about is football while the girls sit and complain why it's the only thing we speak about." Isaac said causing all of them to chuckle including Asher. "It's an addiction." Earning nods from everyone sitting.

Spencer's welcoming didn't end up to be so welcoming. Asher was being an ass since the minute Layla spoke to Spencer, which then the two girls left when Spence left after seeing him sit by himself.

The two girls at the table were trying to make Spencer laugh. Also talking about what an ass Layla's boyfriend can be and his massive ego. "If his such an ass, why are you with him?" Spencer said looking at Layla.

"Well, behind all that is just a boy who wants to be loved." She said while looking behind Spencer at Asher.

Football practice had started for the boys right after lunch. They were going through the plays and who has what position for the next game. Billy Baker came walking in "I want to test out new plays, people with new positions. Spencer go play receiver, Asher off the field."

Asher takes of his jersey and raises his arms in the air "coach, I've been playing receiver forever. What are you doing?"

Coach Baker looks at the shorter boy "don't ever question my decisions, you'll play next round. I'm trying out new plays, seeing if they work." Asher scoffed and sat on the silver seats.

Asher was watching Spencer play in his position which bought the fire in him, he didn't know he had. He was now back on the field playing receiver and on the opposing side of Spencer. He had just played the best game his ever had yet. Walking past Spencer, "we don't need you, we were doing just fine without you" Asher said brushing his shoulder against the other boy.

Author's Note;

I was trying to make this Isaac's chapter. However, I do feel bad for Asher :(

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