Chapter 9

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Messing up

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Messing up

After being consoled by her one to be best friend again. Camilla practically begged the girl while they were dancing in the living area to stay over, and so she did. Olivia and her stayed up all night whispering, laughing and feeling their bellies with treats.

Olivia had left and gone home after being out all day. She walked in the kitchen to see Jordan trying to cook. "What are you doing?" She asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Looking at her as she had a questionable look washing her face.

Olivia looked back down to the pancake batter in the pan on the stove. "You do realise the other side of pancake is now burnt, right?"

Jordan scoffed and grabbed the spatula to turn it. "Ugh. If you hadn't come in here, it would've been a perfect pancake. So thank you." He turned off the stove and packed everything away. Grabbing a muesli bar heading to the living room.

"Gave up already?" She asked him.

Laura Baker walks in while fixing the bottom of her jumper. "If you go look in the bin, you'll see it wasn't his first try. Or second." She said as she pointed to the bin.

"Yeah, thanks mum. We get it. I'm not good at making pancakes." He turned his head and gave her a calf smile and a thumbs up.

Their mum just smiled at him. "Ok well, I'm heading out. I have something I need to deal with at work. Be safe." She blew them both kisses and waved goodbye before leaving.

Olivia made her way to the couch and sat on a different couch to her brother. Jordan noticed that his sister had been staring since she sat. "What? Why are you looking at me like that? It's creepy." He said.

Olivia had thought about the other night. During the sleepover what Camilla had told her. They didn't just spend it giggling. They had deep conversations they didn't think they would have with one another months ago.

Camilla told the girl about how she always checked up on her through Jordan. Always asking the right questions, according to Olivia. She also told her about Jordan. Expressed her somewhat unknown feelings for him.

And that's what Olivia wanted to speak to her brother about. His feelings and why he didn't show up. "I know about the kiss." She instantly blurted.

He looked at her with no clue on what was going on. "What kiss?" He slowly asked.

"The kiss between you and Camilla." Olivia grabbed the remote and turned off the tv, ensuring to get his full attention. Jordan didn't say anything to her. He was either playing dumb or trying to figure out her she knew.

"Wha- H- How do you know about that?" He said.

"Because she told me. That's where I was all day. She asked me to spend the night and we got talking. Who knew you were going to come up. But you did." There was silence between them. No one spoke. If a paper up in one of their rooms was to have fall, they would hear it. "I'm waiting for an answer."

"What do you want me to say? You said you know. What are you waiting for, me to say yes?" He was now turned facing her, sitting up straight.

"Did you like it?" She asked.

Jordan got up to walk out the room "I'm not going to sit here and talk about my love life with my sister. No way." He said.

"Well in your love life, you've left a girl devastated." Jordan quickly turned around to look at his sister. "Can you imagine how you made Cami feel. She never opens up, especially to me!" Olivia raised her voice louder, trying to get it across to her brother on what he did.

But of course, he was clueless. "Why would she be upset?" He asked his sister.

"Why is she upset? Jordan. You took her out late at night before her swim meet and kissed her. More than once might I add. And you didn't show up to her meet? Oh and on top of that didn't go to the party her mum threw for her."

Olivia didn't understand what her brother was doing. Why he would play his long time best friend like that. Also the girl his had his eyes locked on for a while. "You've liked this girl for so long. So I just don't understand how you could do that. Why Jordan?"

It's like Jordan couldn't find the right words to say. He wanted to say something to his sister but he didn't know how to word it properly.

He sat back down on the couch with his arms on his knees. "I don't know Olivia. I guess because I've liked her for so long, I was scared." He looked down at his shoes, rethinking. "I thought maybe because it was so late at night, she gave in and kissed me."

"Well.. I wouldn't think that. The girl didn't even looked excited having a party thrown for her. She came up to her room. I think you two should chat." She said.

Jordan instantly got up and sped walked to the front door. Putting on his shoes and grabbing his keys. "Jordan, the girl likes you. Don't be dumb, please!"

Author's Note;

Small chapter I know. Sorry.
I'm thinking of starting a new book though but what are your thoughts on this so far?

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