Chapter 5

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Booster parties

Twirling and swirling around, dancing all around her room while jamming to music like she's in a concert. Camilla was cleaning her room for when Layla comes over tomorrow, so they can both get ready and glamour up together for the booster party.  She blasted the song on her phone a little louder, grabbing her hairbrush on her vanity and singing into like it's a microphone to the words. "You make me! Feel like I'm living on! TEENAGE DREAM! the way you turn me-"

Isaac interrupts her performance, opened her door and stormed in like an angry bull, "do you mind!! I'm trying to study!"

His sister looks at him holding in her laugh "You? Study? I don't even think you know where your books are. Close my door on your way out." She goes back to packing up her makeup on her vanity.

He walks further into her room, in her sight. "Yes, I'm studying the play book for my next game." He said giving her a cheeky smile.

She looks at him and points towards the door, "Oh my gosh get out."

"I wouldn't have to come in here if you didn't blast the music so loud. Quiet down, thank you." Camilla gives him a fake smile as he exits her room.

For a few weeks Natalie Drake has been out of Beverly and in Utah, interviewing for a job. She flies in tomorrow morning just a few hours before the booster party starts. Although she's only been gone for a few weeks, her two kids have started to miss her. Isaac and Camilla have been pretty good these past weeks, bickering about the most dumbest things but nothing major.

Camilla woke up bright and early to the sound of her alarm ringing, laying in bed for a couple of minutes listening to the birds singing. She heard the front door click open, "Children, I'm home!" Camilla jumped out of her bed with the widest grin on her face and showing her teeth. She ran down the stairs like a happy unicorn and ran towards her mum with open arms.

"Mummy!! How much I've missed you." Cami squealed while giving her a tight warm hug.

"I've missed you so much as well CeCe." Listening to the footsteps running down the stairs, Isaac came in their view as he while putting on his shirt.

"Look who came back from Utah, did you miss me?" His mum scruffs his hair and pushes him back lightly by his head.

My mum goes to the living room and drops herself back on the couch, "I have officially fallen in love with Utah, be careful I might move youse there." She said pointed towards them making both kids look back and fourth at each other.

It was officially time to get ready for the booster party and Cami was waiting for Layla to come over. It's as if Layla had heard her friend's thoughts, she walked in on time. "Your mum's back, she looks happier than ever. hi!" She hugs her best friend and they sit at the vanity ready to do their makeup.

"Yeah, Utah really did something to her. She has fallen in love with it completely."  Cami said while putting on mascara. "Might make us move there too." Making Layla spin her head quickly to look at her.

"No she can't, she will not move my best friend miles away from me." Causing the two girls to laugh.

"So how are you and Asher?" Camilla asked her friend.

Layla didn't respond right away, it's like she was looking for the right words to say. " His still being a total ass-"

Once again, Isaac walks in unannounced. "Oh look who it is, Miss Layla Keating." He came in and patted her shoulder lightly. "Nice makeup, you're not suppose to be impressing me. You're Asher's girlfriend, unless you want me sometimes on the side. If you know what I mean." Making the two girls laugh out loud.

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