chapter three // hanging out pt. 2

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not me forgetting to rename chapter two too late

Mike let out a long sigh, it was almost the time for Will to meet up with El and Mike. Mike was nervous, he didn't know why, he just... was. He had talked to Will, he was really cool. They were alone at the time too! He just felt extremely nervous.

"You look like a nervous wreck." El noted, smirking at Mike and playfully punching his shoulder.

Mike rolled her eyes, "Sorry." He replied, rolling his eyes while holding back laughter. How could he not?

El kept smirking, "You claim it's not a date, I swear." She stated while laughing, causing the boy to break and also laugh.

Their laughter stopped when the doorbell rang, and Mike was the one to flinch. El really had to go around and claim that it was a date. I mean, it's just to people hanging out, Mike barely knew the guy.

"I'll get it." Mike said, getting up and going up the stairs and speedwalking to the front door.

Mike opened the door to see Will standing outside, he didn't seem to have brought anything, Mike smiled at the other boy as he stepped aside to let him in.

"Welcome to the Wheeler household, Byers." Mike welcomed Will as he stepped in the door, Mike closed it behind Will.

Will nodded, he spotted El on the couch on her phone and walked over to sit near her. He felt more comfortable with El than he did with Mike obviously.

Mike sat on the chair near the couch, "So, what do you guys wanna do?" He questioned; Will would've thought that Mike at least had a plan.

"Hm... how about three truths and a lie?" El suggested to the two boys.

Will shrugged, "Sounds fun." He replied, giving El a thumbs up and a smile.

"Seems like a good idea." Mike agreed with a grin.

El smiled, "I'll go first! I like waffles. I've never had a boyfriend. I have a crush. I think Mike's annoying sometimes." She spoke, Will knew which one was the lie.

Mike perked up, "It's probably the fact that you have a crush!" He pointed out.

Will grinned, "The lie is that you've never had a boyfriend." He stated.

"Will's right!" El exclaimed, "Sorry Mike." She apologized while Mike had a fake annoyed expression on his face while Will quietly laughed.

"I'll go next." Mike said, "I have a girlfriend. I hate D&D. I never have ridden a bike before, and starfruit makes me feel sick."

Will thought for a moment, the two of them talked a bit about D&D at the Christmas party. So, he knew that that part wasn't the lie.

"The lie could be that starfruit makes you feel sick." Will stated.

El laughed, "You don't have a girlfriend, Mike." She spoke, though it was barely audible through her laughter.

Mike rolled his eyes, "How would you know anyway?" He spoke in a sarcastic tone, "But yeah, that's the lie. Sorry, Will." He said with a smile.

Will smiled back with a laugh, "It's fine, honestly I didn't expect to get it anyways." He spoke, Mike seemed to smile wider.


It had been a few hours and the three of them began talking, right now they were watching Thundercats.

El looked at a convenient clock, "Oh, I have to go, papa set a new curfew for me." She spoke, winking at Mike before getting up and leaving.

Mike noticed Will frown a bit, a look of nervousness growing on his face, "Oh alright, I'll see you at school tomorrow!" He exclaimed with a somewhat genuine smile.

"Guess it's just you and me now, Beyers." Mike spoke out, glancing at Will who nodded in response.

The rest of the time, the two watched Thundercats and eventually started up a conversation about Star Wars and how great it was. Eventually it came time for Will to leave.

It was safe to say that both of them had a good time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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