Chapter Five - Maren

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 "Is that you, Heron?" I call.


"Yeah, it's me."

"Who's that with you? Besides July?"

"A new recruit for the Stoats. Call Edmond, will you?"

   Heron hops down from the empty widow frame he was hiding in, and whistles sharply. A few moments later, Edmond appears from around the corner of the house.

"Maren," he says, his tone neutral.

"Hey, Edmond."

"Is that July back there?"

July pokes her head out from behind me and waves.

"Who's the other one?"

Riley steps forward. "I'm Riley."

   I shake my head at him slightly, and shift my weight to pull Edmond's attention back to me.

"Riley and I were in the Kites together years ago." I say. "He just got in to this cell and he's looking for a clan."

"You don't want him in yours?"

"Kentley would kick us out in a heartbeat."

"Why's he in 17? You came from 13, right?"

I step back, and tip my head towards Riley.

"My parents signed me over to a Cybio patron, and I worked for him until he found out that I'd been a clan kid. I had to leave."

Edmond's eyebrows shoot up, and he studies Riley carefully, then shakes his head.

"Sorry. We don't take ex-Cybio parasites."

"Edmond — " I start, but there's a sharp whistle from on the roof behind us.

"Patrol!" a voice calls.

"How many?" Edmond calls back.

"Twenty plus!!"

"Match," July whispers under her breath.

"That's not —" he whips around. "You brought them here."

"No, Edmond —"

"July's the only reason I'll let them kill you instead of doing it myself."

   He draws a gun, cocks it, and points it straight at me. I startle back and would have fallen if Riley hadn't caught me.

"Unless you're still here when I count to three."

   I whirl and bolt, shoving July ahead of me. I feel Riley's hand on my shoulder as we dart away between two houses.

"When you said they were volatile," he pants from behind me, "that was not exactly what I was picturing."

I laugh, a little hysterically.

"This way," I call over my shoulder, then stop so abruptly that Riley plows into my back and we almost fall over.

"What? What is it?"

"You can't come with us."


"I can't take you with —"

"Stop right there!!"

We spin around, only to see two Cybio patrol bikes speeding towards us.

"Match," I hiss.

   We sprint away, dodging through a tight space between a shed and a burnt out garage. I grab July's hand to hurry her on, but Riley scoops her up and throws her over his shoulder.

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