Chapter 1: Iberian Tracks

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It is a cold morning in the city of Valencia, the train station has barely opened before a man with black silky hair rushes in with a Shorter woman with medium grey hair following closely behind him.
“Nicky, could you please wait until my legs aren’t nearly as long as yours, and besides we’re way early anyways so can't we just take it a bit slower?” She whined.
  Nicholas  had stopped suddenly and turned to her “Listen you know why we’re here so just calm down, stop whining and let’s just get on the train as soon as possible, this wind is making me uneasy.” He turned around and continued to go in a hurry to the train, yet walking slightly slower.
  “Well at least you slowed down a bit so I can finally not fall and break my nose, but yeah we gotta get your sword to Madrid as soon as possible to get those chips out of it, but why did I have to come couldn’t you have brought Natty or Luci?”
  “Nai I told you that you need to get your rapier fixed up too so it only made sense to bring you along as well.” They eventually slowed down and stopped at the train, quickly getting on and packing their bags into the overhead cabin as they sat in their seats and finally were able to rest. After about a half an hour a last call was made by everyone who wants to depart to get onto the train, as three men step on Nicholas  and notice a glint in one of their coats.
  “You know nai i’m starting to think i’m getting the feeling of deja Vu , do you think i’m just seeing things?”
  “Eh it’s probably just your imagination, you have been up since 4:30 haven’t you.”
  “yeah i guess you're right, i’m gonna take a nap, wake me up if you’re dying.”
  The train slowly moves out of the station passing through the beautiful city bustling with people from all backgrounds as the fresh sea air leaves the air as the city fades from the horizon.

  Naiomi gets up slowly as she stumbles through the car "I've sailed the seas and flown through storms yet this is what makes my legs uneasy, come on Naiomi just walk it's not that hard." She slowly gets back on her feet and makes her way through the following cars to get to the dining car. She passes through them ever impatient as the dining car doesn't seem to be as close as she once thought. She stops to take a breath to calm herself, as she notices a glint from inside of a man's coat, assuming it to be a pocket watch she exits the car and finally reaches the dining car. She sits down in one of the stools "excuse me sir could I get one apple cider please" The man looks at her in confusion. He then points at a sign saying 'Yo no hablo ingles' (I don't speak english) she sharply realizes and writes down her order in spanish for the bartender to read. He quickly sees what she's asking for and pours her a glass of apple cider.  "gracias amigo" she said, still embarrassed for her mistake, he waved goodbye to her as she walked back to her brother trying not to spill her drink.
  She passes from car to car still trying not to spill it till she finally reaches back to her seat so she can finally enjoy her apple cider, she begins to take a sip before she realizes she didn't pay for the drink, she rests it down slowly and quickly rushes to the dining car.  Running and almost tripping multiple times until she finally reaches the dining car so see it completely empty. Finding that strange she remembers Nicholas' question about deja vu earlier, she looks into the next car as she sees the man with the glint in his coat holding the entire car hostage with everyone from the dining car in there as well, as she attempts to walk into the car to try and stop this mad man she feels a kick in the back and pushed through the car door. She falls to the ground right at the feet of the coated man, he kneels down to look her in the eyes, her light coffee brown eyes meeting with his dark brown. He starts to open his mouth before a hush of wind enters the car knocking him over as she jumps up and runs into the next car breaking open doors with large gusts of wind. Warning all the passengers "move to the last car I'm not sure who it is but someone is coming this way and you need to get out of here!" She lifts her hand and faces the door preparing for what is to come. A man different from the one earlier kicks down the door to the car and lifts his oversized sword to her. She jumps back and aims two of her fingers at his chest inhaling deeply. She clenches her teeth as she breathes out quickly as he begins to be pushed back into the doorway. He stabs his sword into the ground to stop him from moving as the wind stops blowing as he feels a sharp kick to the neck Surprised by the attack he grabs his neck as she sheaths her sword and begins to run back to her seat seeing her brother still asleep. "Of course he's still asleep" she steps on the seat and grabs a black case, opening it to show an ornate Rapier, the edge of the blade being orange as she hears stomping through the cars she passed, she pulls out her sword and takes her stance as she sees him approaching quickly. She breathes out slowly as her eyes glow a brilliant orange.

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