Chapter 9: Wrong Shore

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  Natalia's eyes open as she finds herself in her bedroom in a hospital gown. She looks around her room and tries to remember what happened to her. She tries to get up but she falls to her knees, "what the heck is wrong with me I've tipped over trucks before why can't I even stand." She grabs onto the post of her bed and pulls herself up onto her bed as she looks at her arm "I swear if it was that vampire bastard's sword then I'm going to find him and kill him so slowly" just then Antonio entered her room with.a sad look on his face "Good morning dad, or afternoon, night? I don't know how long I've been out for"
His eyes widen as he goes to hug his daughter "I'm so glad you're awake sweet pea you had me so worried."
"I'm glad too bad but how long was I asleep for. Couldn't be like a few hours right?"
"Honey, you were out for a week. I don't know what happened but you need to take it easy alright, I've never seen you asleep for that long."
"How is that even possible, I didn't even bleed all that much just a little cut"
"It might not have been as little as you might have thought kiddo, blades can be laced with poison you can't treat every strike lightly."
"Right dad. So what did you guys do for the week that I was out?"
"Well-" they both begin hearing a scream from the living room as Nicholas runs into the room and slams the door behind him.
"Dad you have to think of better pet options than that death machine" he looks around to see his father with his now awake sister "so I see you're up sleepy head"
"And I see you're running away from, something"
"I'm running from the one true evil in this world, that thing is the spawn of darkness itself"
Antonio shakes his head "come on she's cute you have to admit"
"Dad you have to admit that thing's only design when it was created was murder and murder alone!" Antonio sighs and gets up pulling his son away from the door "wait dad no! It's gonna chew on my bones!"
"Oh please she wouldn't hurt a fly" he opens the door a large crocodile comes into the room. Nicholas opens the window and jumps out.
"Maybe not a fly but I'm not a fly later" he begins to run away out of sight.
"Ha, your brother sure can be riot"
"He can be but uh dad why's there a crocodile in our house?"
" That's simple, she's our new pet. Since you 3 are always on missions and all, I get lonely sometimes so she's your new sister!"
"Hm, well I guess she does look a little cute but is it gonna get any bigger"
"No idea but what's life without some excitement" the phone soon begins to ring in the kitchen "I'll get that don't worry, and I'll tell your sister to come talk to you. Naiomi, come say hi to your sister she's awake!" He exists as Naiomi walks into her room picking up the crocodile.

"Isn't she cute Natty"
"Yeah I guess wait. Eli where is he? He's okay right? I've been asleep for a week. Where is he!"
"Alright alright calm down, he's with Florence. He also came to see you a lot when you were out like a light sleeping beauty. Maybe he kissed you and that's why you woke up, a tale as old as time my dear sister!" Natalia tries to throw a pillow at her but it barely goes anywhere. "Well that's weird normally that would send me into a wall you okay Nat?"
"I'm just feeling really weak."
"Ah probably cause you haven't eaten or drank anything in a week" Naiomi puts down the crocodile and runs into the kitchen
"Huh, well that is true I do feel incredibly hungry now that she mentions it" Naiomi quickly comes back with 4 sandwiches and a pitcher of water "did you just make all of that now?"
"I did the water your boy toy made the sandwiches~"
"He's not my boyfriend sis, I'm sure he doesn't even like me like that he's just being nice"
"I know being nice and I wouldn't give up hope just yet" she shoves a sandwich in her sister's mouth "now eat and get your strength back dum dum"
Natalia takes a bite out of the sandwich and swallows "thank you, and you're talking an awful lot for someone who has their own boy toy that's now easily accessible, speaking of which where is he?"
"Haha don't worry about that, just finish your food"
She grabs another sandwich "I can multitask"
'Don't you remember what Ms Norwich told us back in school 'speaking while your mouth is full of food is unbecoming of a princess, Detention the both of you!' ha she gave both of us such a hard time"
"Ha yeah school really was a wild time, I don't think she gave Nick an easier time either, remember when she chased him down the entire campus because he didn't wanna wear the tie freshman year"
"Or when she dragged you to the locker room to put on a skirt"
"That woman was terrifying with her strength and speed, she shouldn't have been able to literally drag me by one leg at her age"
"She's probably still teaching there, I wonder who has to suffer her wrath now "
"Eli probably he's gonna have to go to school since he's here now"
"Oh yeah he's already enrolled in school"
"Dang you all get a lot done when I'm out for a week"
"Yeah yeah alright see how you are now"
Natalia jumps up from her bed and does a handstand "yeah I think I'm fine now"
"Alright now go see your son now I guess, does this mean I'm his aunty"
"I wouldn't say I'm his mom, I'm a bit too young to be thinking about kids"
"Natalia you're 23"
"Too young for me to be thinking about kids"
"Fair enough now change and get to stepping"
"Yeah yeah get out of my room then, and take the gator"
Naiomi picks up the crocodile "croc dear sister croc" she walks out and closes the door.

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