Chapter 12: Summer Blossom

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  The week passes as the first day of spring has arrived, the entire population has begun the start of their festivities but some are still barely getting ready for their big day. The young Elijah runs through the house and runs past the bathroom as Natalia struggles dealing with her brother's thick hair.
  "Nat how many times have I said you need to be more gentle before you snap my neck"
  "And how am I supposed to brush your stupid hair if you keep complaining and not keep still "
  "I can't keep still cause you're being so dramatic"
  She grabs his hair and struggles pulling the brush through it "why did I agree to do this."
  "I said that I'd just wear my ponytail like I always do"
  "You're a Prince, that wouldn't be befitting for our image"
  "What about my ponytail isn't princely"
  "Everything now keep still" she throws the brush in a basket and grabs a very large comb
  "Hey sis what are you doing"
  She puts her hand over his mouth "sorry in advance" she pulls the comb through his hair, he digs his nails into his palm and bites on his tongue. She continues until his hair is completely straight and smooth and soft. "See that wasn't so hard" she takes her hand off of his mouth  and puts the comb back.
  "Is that all you wanna do to my head today"
  "Nope we've got one last thing"
  "What?"  She grabs a flat iron as he turns around and sighs "just make this quick"
  "I'll do it right, but that doesn't mean I'll be quick"
  "Fine." She begins to flatten his hair as they continue conversing "did you pick up your dress from Vanessa yet?"
  "She brought them yesterday dummy, you weren't here because you decided to go on a date with your girlfriend instead"
  "Hey hey it wasn't a date, we were checking the fireworks to make sure they were up to code"
  "So you went to check on her favourite thing in the world, yes that definitely doesn't sound like a date"
  "Not like you've ever been a date to know what one looks like"
  "I can burn you right now y'know"
  "You do realize that's as pointless as using a flamethrower on a campfire right"
  "Shut up and let me finish"

  After a few minutes she finishes with the last bit of his hair "alright get out"
  He gets out of the chair "who's your next victim"
  "Eli and you weren't a victim, if anything I'm the victim. You broke my lucky comb" she points at a melted purple comb with yellow tips in the trash can.
  "You've got plenty don't you"
  "No thanks to you hot head"
  "Okay okay I'll find another one, and I'll get Eli for you"
  "Thank you." He closes the door as she looks into the mirror and looks at her brother's hair tie and puts it around her hair to give herself a ponytail, she gets a mischievous grin "look at me I'm Crown Prince Nicholas De Rocco, my hair is thick enough to be the wool of a sheep and I don't appreciate my sister's attempts at being nice because I wanna look like a horse"
  "Hi Natty"
  "AHHH!" she tries to pull the tie out of her hair quickly but it doesn't work as Elijah smiles at her
  "What are you doing?"
  "Uh, I'm. Doing a new fashion technique"
  "Oh, you sounded like Nick for a second"
  "What no I would never pretend to be him, I'm too pretty to even look like"
  "But you look similar like your noses and your shiny hair and-"
  She pulls him and sets him on the chair "nevermind all of that it's time to do your hair"
  "Good boy" she grabs her brush and begins brushing his hair "so Eli are you excited for today?"
  "Yeah! My friend Carla is gonna be there too"
  "Carla? The neighbor's kid"
  "Yeah! She's funny and sweet. I met her at school"
  "Well I'm glad you've made a friend so soon. I met my first friend and still best friend at that school back in kindergarten"
  "Who was it"
  "It was Wilton, he gets on my nerves sometimes but he's a sweet caring person I admire that about him "
   "Oh big Willy!"
   "..." She's stunned in silence "it's always when I say something good about him that he has to remind me. Eli, just call him Wil okay?"
  "Okie dokie." He sits there swinging his legs as Natalia starts brushing the back of his hair down as he starts giggling.
  "The back of your neck is ticklish"
  "N-no" she smiles and starts tickling the back of his neck as he bursts out laughing, she slowly stops tickling him and he starts to catch my breath "I remember my mom would always do that when she brushed my hair" he fakes a smile as he hangs in head down "sometimes I still think about her, she's gone. But one day I'll see her again and she'll be proud of how much bigger I got" a few of his tears drop to the floor as he lifts his head up and smiles at Natalia barely holding her own tears in.
   "Eli, your mom is gonna be proud of you no matter what you wanna do or wherever you end up. I remember it was a really long time ago but my mom used to poke my nose whenever I was crying" she goes around and kneels down "and I think I should pass it on to someone who looks like he could use it" she takes her finger and taps his nose with it gently and he gives a genuine warm smile and he jumps into her arms to give her a hug
  "Natty I'm sure your mom is proud of you too" she hugs him back and sniffles into his shoulder
  "Okay I finished so why don't you take off your clothes together while I go get mine okay?"
  "Okay Natty" he poked her nose back and made his way out the bathroom quickly as she's left there, drying her tears and smiling. She turns back around to see her brother right Infront of her "Ahh! What are you doing here again"
  "Well I came to get my hair tie" he points at it in her hair "which you seem to be wearing"
  "It's easier to manage my hair if it's out of the way"
  "Uh huh, well I could get you your own. Maybe I could make is purple"
  "I'm fine and shouldn't you be getting your shoes on or something we do have to go around touring the islands in a car all day"
  "Yeah that's a loaf of-"
  Antonio quickly pops his head into the room "come on kids out some pep in your step and get dress almost time to roll" the two of them sigh as they leave the bathroom and begin to put on their royal uniforms, a white button up shirt with a golden edge on the collar, a black vest and slacks with golden detailing as well, a red tie, and a red coat with black lapels and a black cape strapped over the left shoulder. The 3 siblings each leave their rooms and exit the limousine outside with their father and grandfather inside already.
  Angelo gestures for them to come in faster, as they enter her smiles at all 3 of them "look at my grandchildren, you're all so beautiful and handsome, especially you Nicholas it's been a while since I've seen you with your hair down outside of the house"
  Natalia elbows her brother "see I told you"
  "Yeah yeah, so gramps what's the order for today?"
  "First is Ignito, I was made aware you had a friend who was a mad scientist there?"
  Nicholas looks at his father and slaps his face with his hand "she's not a mad scientist. She's just, eccentric"
  "Our family does seem to attract that type of crowd. But today's a fun day so I think we're due for some smiles" the triplets and Antonio all smile together "good good your teeth look beautiful" he punches the inside of the roof and yells "alright let's get a move on!" The car begins to speed through the streets of their home island as they quickly approach the bridge from there to the main Island of their country,  Casilia.

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