Chapter 7: The Street's Thunder

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Clouds begin to roll in as Natalia's eyes glow brighter. Ervin and Ben look up at the sky and look to Mei in the middle, she wipes off her glasses and takes a deep breath. She exhales as she lunges at Nicholas as he blocks her attack and is pushed back. Natalia looks over to her brother then back at the 2 men standing in front her, she smirks as Ben throws his dagger at her, knocking it back into the air she rushes in and hits him in the stomach pushing him into the street. Ervin slashes down as she appears behind him and kicks him to the ground. He flips back onto his feet and jumps up onto a nearby roof. She follows him up onto the roof as he throws the loose shingles from the roof at her. "Really, this is what you're thinking is gonna help you?" He keeps throwing them at her as she cuts through each of them walking closer and closer each time.
"Dammit" he slashes the shingles and kicks them at her as he slides down the roof into the back alley, Natalia sighs and goes to jump after him before feeling a presence behind her. She grabs Ben's arm as he tries to stab her back and throws him into the Alley with Ervin.
While those 3 are fighting on the roof Nicholas is being pushed back by Mei's flurry of slashes. She throws slash after slash at him with a cold dead look on her face, he staggers back and stabs his sword into the round to regain his balance. She spits at his feet and tries to kick him back. He quickly moves out of the way and grabs some dust from the ground and throws it into her glasses. She quickly takes off her glasses and sees Nicholas standing across from her. "So you didn't wanna try and talk first?"
"I have nothing to talk about with you devil."
"Strong words for someone working with two creatures that feed on the blood of the innocent"
"Your blood is far from innocent" she lunged at him as their swords clashed.
He grabs the blade of her sword and goes to kick her stomach, she quickly moves out of the way as he pulls the sword from her hand. "Care to surrender now. You're disarmed and-"
"Not to the likes of you flame demon" she grabs something from in her coat and throws it on the ground. He looks at it as she pulls a pistol out with her other hand. She quickly fires as he blocks the bullet with his sword.
"You should know better than to fire upon a Prince. He takes both swords and slides them together until both are glowing red, he dogs his planted foot into the concrete as he appears behind her slashing up at her back. Mei rolls out of the way as she turns around and sees him standing across from her still holding both swords. She grits her teeth and she aims for the hand he has her sword in as she pulls the trigger he appears right in front of her inches from the ground ready to do another slash upwards. She steps back in anticipation as he sticks both swords into the ground and kicks her ankle with the back of his heel, she falls onto the ground and looks up at him with his eyes glowing a bright vibrant red. He steps on her hand with the gun in it as she grunts and drops it. "Now I want some answers from you."
"What do you want"
"Firstly, why are you working with 2 vampires as a human."
"I have my own reasons."
"Huh, well secondly, what is your boss planning?" She opens her mouth to speak, then goes to grab something from the back of her coat. He quickly kicks her hand letting 3 balls roll a few feet to their right. Smoke quickly begins coming out of the 3 balls. He grimaces as he looks back at her to see nothing under his foot. He quickly turns around to see her coming so slash at his head, blocking the strikes causing a spark. His eyes Woden as he jumps back out the cloud of smoke it turns into a blaze of fire, he extends his hand and absorbs the fire causing him to collapse short of breath. He looks around and doesn't see Mei anywhere. "Well that certainly isn't good."

Natalia lands into a darkened alley as rain droplets land on her forehead, she sighs as she continues walking down the alley, looking around at the trash cans and discarded junk, a rather large trash lid catches her eye and she looks at it closer. She then draws her sword and rolls back when the lid gets thrown at her.
"Why can't you leave me alone! I didn't do anything to you!"
"Monsters have no sanctuary in the world of man." He draws his sword and slowly breathes as it begins to rain,she sticks her blade in a freshly formed puddle and as she takes it out electricity erupts from the puddle as thunder roars. Ervin's hands begin to shake as he slashes at Natalia. She narrowly dodges as he steps closer into the strike; she hits his back with the end of her pommel. While he begins to fall he manages to land a hit on her arm as his blade gets stuck in it. Natalia grabs her arm and rips the sword and throws it right next to Ervin's head. As she grips her arm her hand glows a yellow flash and her wound is suddenly closed as she looks at Ervin with bright yellow glowing eyes. Ervin breathes in slowly as he attempts to grab his sword he feels a chill up his spine as he sees the enraged Natalia runs up to him and tries to punch his head into the ground "you damn rat!" He jumps back onto his feet as he lets go of his sword and begins running through the alley away from her.
She grabs his blade and electric sparks radiate from the blade as she throws it inches from Ervin's neck
He tries to breathe again before he sees the same yellow flash already through the ground. He looks forward seeing his sword stuck in the wall, he looks back and sees her approaching him at an ever increasing pace. He uses his sword as a boost to jump over the wall and into the next alley. He breathed a sigh of relief as he heard a slam into the wall behind him. He begins to run again as he sees a dark figure up on a rooftop. She rips the sword out of the wall and grabs it by the grip, she breaks through the wall and points it at him as she feels a presence behind her, she quickly turns around and dodges Ben's attack. She scoffs at the two as he regains his footing next to Ervin. She moves her wet hair from the front of her face as her eyes glow a brilliant yellow once again. The two men notice the glow and slowly begin backing up, Natalia slowly begins walking towards them as electricity sparks off both of the blades she wields, the two begin to run as fast as they can through the alley still feeling the presence of a shock right on their necks. Their hair soon begins to stand on end as Natalia still approaches ever closer. Ben notices a loose fire escape railing and throws a knife from his belt and knocks it over into Natalia's way, she stops as they begin to feel a bit more at ease as the speed through back onto the open side walk and knocks over a familiar woman.

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