Slave for his pleasure Part - 2

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It's gonna be more emotional now so, don't read it if you are sensitive...don't felt hurt because of my ff's it's just a imagination.

It's been 1 week since you didn't wake up from coma after that painful night and these days Shu temper is become worst day by day as he fired every employee who makes mistake in front of him...even in the smallest mistake.

Employee : This is the report of this month sir.

He said while giving the report file to him with his shaking hands.

Shu : Is this even a report ?

He said and throw the file at that employee face.


Everyone is trembling with fear of getting fired by Shu and suddenly Shu phone rang as he picked up the call and said in a cold tone.

Shu : What ?

Maid :'am finally wake up from coma.

She said in scared tone and suddenly the atmosphere in the conference room bright like sun and a wide smile formed on his face but no one noticed his smile because everyone head was down as no one dare to make a eye contact with him...Shu stood up and left the conference room and when he left, all employees let out a heavy sighed in relief.


You opened your eyes and saw the familiar room and suddenly you remembered about that horrible night and your eyes filled with tears.

Y/n : What I-I even did to d-deserve this p-pain huh ? I never h-hurt anyone nor I d-disrespect my parents then w-why ? 

You screamed loudly while crying hard that even the maids can hear you, they all feel pity on you but they can't do anything.

~After half an hour~

Shu entered his room and saw you sleeping like a anjel and he went towards you and sat in front of you at the side of the bed and was about to touch your face but you suddenly open your eyes and you quickly covered yourself with blanket in fear.

Y/n : N-No...Shu...p-please.

You started crying but his eyes darkened because of your reaction and he grabbed your hairs and pulled you closer to his face.

Y/n : S-Shu-

Shu : SHUT UP!

He snatched the blanket and throw it away on floor and started to scanned your body.

Shu : I can see you have recovered.

He wipe your tears and started to suck your neck.

Y/n : N-No...please it's s-still h-hurts.

He didn't listen to you and started to kiss your lips harshly but he stopped when someone knocked on the door.

Shu : Who is it ?

Maid : Sir...your secretary is waiting for you.

Shu : Tell him to wait for me in living room.

Maid : Okay sir...

She left and he let go off your hairs and went to the bathroom.


I know this is too much but...sorry

Bye...take care of you ❤️

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